Wear Red for Women

It?s time for us to have a little heart to heart chat. You know, one of those chats we all know we need to have but often avoid really talking about.

Today, February 1st, marks two special occasions – the beginning of National Heart Month and Wear Red for Women Day!

#HeidiPowell #RedForWomen #HeartDisease #HealthyHeart - Learn more at https://heidipowell.net/356
Wearing Red for “Go Red for Women” Day!

It?s a little known fact but 1 in 4 women die from heart disease in the United States each year. Heart disease still kills more women that all cancers combined. It?s time that we all fight back to change those scary statistics! So let?s take an honest look at your life and see if you?re at higher risk. Do you suffer from any of the following?

????????? Diabetes

????????? Obesity

????????? Poor diet

????????? Physical inactivity

????????? Excessive alcohol or tobacco use

????????? Lots and lots of stress

Don?t panic if you think you?re high risk.? But honestly look at that list again. Almost every item on there is something that can be improved and changed by altering ones own behaviors!? That?s the great news!

It?s true that lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol will reduce your risk of heart disease but here are a few more things that you can do to help improve your heart health and lower your risk factors:

#PowellPack #RedForWomen #HeartDisease #HealthyHeart - Learn more at https://heidipowell.net/356
Cash and Marley go red!

????????? Visit your doctor and get your cholesterol levels checked and regularly monitor them.

????????? Eat a healthy diet. Focus on foods that are low sodium; low fat (especially saturated fat), and low cholesterol. Eat fresh veggies, lean meats and whole grain foods whenever possible.

????????? Exercise! Even if it is just a quick 10-minute walk

????????? Don?t smoke. If you smoke, quit as soon as possible.

????????? Engage in relaxing activities (for me exercise is my outlet but you might enjoy art, reading, dancing, gardening, charity work, or any number of activities).

Start today to change your tomorrows. As moms, sisters, daughters, aunts, and friends, we are all so important to so many people! Let?s change these statistics and change the future for women everywhere.

And, now that you know the statistics, go put on your favorite red outfit for ?Wear Red Day? and let?s paint the world red!

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