The Magical Ingredient–
the only one you need.

Day 3 is the magic ingredient to balance: BELIEF. Have you ever heard that saying, “If you can believe it, you can achieve it?” 

Today I am going to teach you how to shape your belief system into a catalyst for change. 

Sneak Peek of Day 3’s Agenda:

  • One of my all-time favorite quotes that sums up the power of belief.
  • Learn how “belief” is key in your transformation.

Read the full video transcription:

This quote from Henry Ford is one of my all-time favorites, and it truly sums up the power of belief: “If you think you can do a thing or you think you can’t—you’re right.”

What you believe you can accomplish is what you will accomplish. Or what you believe you won’t accomplish, is what you will not accomplish. Who you believe you are, is exactly who you will become. Your belief determines your reality, and if you want to change your reality, you must start with your belief—your belief in what’s possible, your belief in what you deserve, and your belief in what you are worthy of. This is very, very important. 

And it’s so important in our transformation. Before you can go anywhere, you must, you must believe in your ability to actually get there. 

The only way to start believing in yourself is, well, to start believing in yourself. 

Now, I’m not a fan of the phrase “Fake it ‘til you make it” because I actually really value people and myself being authentic and true to who they are and who we are. But the great part about leaning into belief, though, is in accepting that at any moment you can become whoever you want to be. 

If you’re going to choose who you want to be, well, you might as well choose to be authentically you and unapologetically you. 

Living into your greatness is understanding that you get to choose who you want to be in the next moment. And just because you have been a certain person, that doesn’t mean you have to be that person anymore. You can actually choose to create a new identity at any moment, but the key is belief. 

Download Today's Worksheet:

Here's today's challenge:

Today’s challenge is all about reprogramming our brain—your brain. Turning bad things into good things, finding the silver lining, and developing a new pa

Today’s challenge is all about reframing your “failures.” This is really cool because if you can change your past failures into learning opportunities and make them lessons you learned that can help you now and in the future, then your belief in yourself will actually increase. 

On the left, list 3 “failures” from your life.

In the middle, write down what you learned from this experience.

On the right, write down what your superpower is that you developed from your experience.

Here's today's Affirmation

I believe in myself. I have the power to create the future I want. 

Click to Enlarge

Here is the complete schedule.

‍Bonus points: Repeat today’s affirmation to yourself over and over as you complete your 5-minute routine!

This combination of a mental shift and physical activity is a truly holistic approach that will really make these ideas stick for you.

Day 3 workout: Day one and day two are down. They are in the books. You are feeling like the champ that you are, and you are ready.

We are set for DAY THREE. Now, I have to say… today’s workout, I kind of went out on a limb a little bit and did something that I think is a little more difficult than normal, but that’s ok.

Remember that no matter where you are at physically, no matter what level you are at, we can modify each and every one of these workouts.

So, even though I say this is tough, it’s not too tough for you. You can do this.

Today’s workout:

And once again, we’re setting the clock for five minutes, and then we are going to do a walking lunge challenge.

Yes, one move.

We’re just going to be doing walking lunges for five minutes straight.

Now, if you have access to a track, maybe like a high school track, I think one of the best things you can do is set the clock and just start lunging around the track.

If you don’t, that’s ok. Do it up and down your driveway.

And if lunges are too difficult, you can always do them in place.

If you need to modify or scale down your lunge further, you are actually going to hold on to the back of a chair and you are just going to lunge back so you make sure you keep proper form and you stabilize yourself.

Now, lunges. I know people have knee issues. That’s ok if you do.
What I want you to do is I want you to lie on your back and do what we call a single leg bridge up, just alternating legs.

You’re going to go left, then right. Then left, then right.

Now, I promise you, set the clock for five minutes, do as many—either walking lunges or alternating single leg bridge ups—as you can.

Your buns are going to be on fire!

Now, don’t worry, tomorrow’s workout, I’m getting rid of legs altogether because I promise you after this workout, you are going to need a little bit of a lower body rest.

It’s amazing to see how much you can work your body and work a muscle group in just five minutes a day.

So, now you are starting to see: “Yeah, it’s only five minutes. And yeah, I’m doing this for my own integrity to finish this small commitment that I set for myself.”

But then also, you are getting such an incredible physical challenge out of it. Your muscles are being stimulated in a way that maybe they’ve never been, or it’s been years and years and years since you felt this way.

So, I promise you, you can do this workout. Just chip away at it. Know that everything must come to an end.

I always say to myself, “This too shall pass” because when I’m in the middle of workout, I’m like, “Ok, this too shall pass, this too shall pass, this too shall pass.”

So, know that when you are in the middle of it, and that five minutes seems super long, and your quads are burning, your glutes and your hamstrings are burning, it’s going to pass, and you are going to feel amazing afterward.

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