My Pregnancy Workout: The Nasty 9s

Finally, a pregnancy workout that almost anyone can do (with your doctor?s approval, of course)! One of my favorite parts about this workout (besides the name, that plays off of our long 9 month baby growing months) is that it can be scaled for the beginner prego, all the way to the prego that has been working out with intensity from pre-pregnancy.

So if you have 15 minutes (warm up and cool down, included) and you want to feel great about yourself, get moving!

You ready?

Warm up
3 rounds of:
20 Step Jacks/Jumping Jacks
10 Twisters
10 Swoops
10 Deep Lunges

Set the clock for 9 minutes. Do as many rounds as you can (listening to your body, of course) of:
9 Couch Squats/Air Squats
9 Couch Push Ups/Push Ups
9 Bridge Ups/Couch Bridge Ups

Not sure exactly how to do these exercises? Watch my video below for a detailed explanation. WARNING – I get winded just demo’ing the warm up! Don’t worry…the workout isn’t that hard…I am just that pregnant!!!

Cool Down
Go for a walk around your neighborhood and breath in some fresh air. Appreciate that little bundle of joy you are growing, and be proud that you are doing what you can to give him/her a healthy start in life.


23 Responses

  1. I actually just sent this to my mom! She’s not pregnant, but she is very much a beginning exerciser and I think that some of these would be so perfect for her!

    Heck, I think I’m going to do them!

  2. I just love that you posted this! I really wish I had this when I was pregnant with my daughter but I’m excited to do this the next time I’m pregnant! Thank you! =)

  3. Heidi, You are SO amazing, and I am so proud of you! I wish you were around when I was pregnant. I would not have gained 100# of “baby weight” with your support and motivation. Your attitude, zeal, energy, generosity, creativity are just a few reasons that I can see how your fan base is just exploding! Keep up the great work, and best of everything with the baby and family!

  4. Thanks for this post, Heidi! I’m 26 weeks with my first baby and have been eating up everything you post about pregnancy. 🙂 I love getting stuff from the perspective that I CAN still work out and work out hard while pregnant. Just want to thank you for all you do, you’re my hero.

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