Congratulations to our Winner, SharonQ
She picked the color “Hot Toddy!”
AND, watch for a special announcement coming later this week as
you’ll ALL be winners of a surprise special discount that Scotch Naturals is arranging for you!
Can’t wait to share it so you can save!
#BabyPowell Scotch Naturals Giveaway
What girl doesn’t love a little pampering? I certainly do. Previously, I wouldn’t have thought much about baby gnawing on my polished finger but after discovering Scotch Naturals, I now know to watch what I put on my nails and hands, especially when they often end up in or near baby’s mouth. It’s also more healthy for all of us to limit the amount of chemicals we come in contact with. Thus, I am in love with these healthy polishes from Scotch Naturals!
Scotch Naturals WaterColors? is the premier non-toxic, eco-friendly alternative to conventional solvent-based nail polish. Their revolutionary water-based formula conditions nails and delivers long-lasting, salon-quality color. Each of their 43 beautiful colors is 100% free of all phthalates, parabens, solvents (ethyl acetate and butyl acetate), nitrocellulose, acetone, and heavy metals. Perfect for all women and especially moms with babies!
Enter to Win?
Winner will receive the Scotch Naturals Detox Package?which includes a fortifying Base Coat, “On the Rocks” Top Coat and a Polish, in the color of your choice!
1. Visit and pick a color of polish you’d love to win.
2. Share the following message(s) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and/or Pinterest inserting the name of the color you picked. The more you share, the more chances to win!
Facebook: “I’d love to win #ScotchNaturals [insert color] in the [tag “Heidi Powell” Fanpage] #BabyPowell Giveaway?″
Twitter: “I’d love to #win @ScotchNaturals [insert color] in the @realheidipowell #babypowell giveway?” ? (feel free to use a hyperlink shrinker if you need too!)
Pinterest: Pin the above image to one of your Pinterest boards and put?”I’d love to #win #ScotchNaturals [insert color] in the Heidi Powell #babypowell giveway?″ in the comment box when you pin it.
Instagram: Visit Scotch Naturals on your cell phone, then take a screenshot of the color you picked OR share the above image on your instagram account and as the text include:?”I’d love to #win @ScotchNaturals [insert color] in the @realheidipowell #babypowell giveway?″ ?Feel free to add any hashtags you’d like!
3. Comment here on this blog telling us what color you picked and where you shared it!
?Random winner was announced on Wednesday, Sept 18th, 2013. Thanks for participating!
101 Responses
I LOVE BANNOCKBURN! What a great color! So calming – exactly what I need with 5 kids running me around!
I picked Balmoral Punch and shared it on Instagram!!
i post my picture on instagram! i would love to when the color, caleigh (smoky blue creme) hoping for the win!
Smugglers Gold looks GORGEOUS!!! 🙂 I shared on Twitter!
I picked Seething Jealousy…not because I am the jealous type but because I think it’s a beautiful fall color. Shared the love on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Hi! I LOVEE the bannock burn. Posted on FB, Instagram & Pinterest. Ty would live the color for fall!!
I picked Bitter N Twisted. I shared on Facebook and Instagram.
Hi! CONGRATS and thanks for the awesome giveaway!! I pick LOCH LOMOND and I shared on Pinterest. 🙂
I picked the color “whisper” & shared it on my instagram account! I picked the color because it matches my baby girl due dec 7, nursery paint color 🙂
I would love to win the SOUTHERN CHARMER!!! So pretty. I posted on Twitter.