Originally featured on Lunch Pails & Lipstick.
Have you ever watched your neighbor open her mailbox because the muscles in her arm as she turns the key stop you in your tracks? You would if your neighbor was Heidi Powell! In the bootcamp class I teach we like to joke that everyone stands a little taller, jumps higher and lunges deeper when we know Chris or Heidi are outside. Myself included!
Name:?Heidi Lane Powell
Tell us about your background:
I was born in Flagstaff, AZ, and grew up in Mesa, AZ.? Went to Mountain View HS (Go Toros!) and attended Arizona State University.? My first job is taking care of our three wonderful children!? Currently I run a private bootcamp for Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition and coach individuals alongside my husband.
Husband:?Chris Powell
Chris is a trainer and the host of?ABC?s Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. We always say we do NOT like to think of ourselves as husband/wife, but instead as best friends. We had actually never planned to marry ? we were scared of ruining our best friendship . Luckily, marriage has worked out well for us ;). When we find ourselves at each other?s throats (we are normal people!), we remind each other that we are friends first. How would we treat and talk to our best friend? Works like a charm and is the secret to our one-of-a-kind union!
Matix, 7, SUCH a boy, he is. Loves riding his Razor and being outside, has an obsession with Skylanders, and could eat only carbs if I let him ;). He?s my little bookworm (just like mommy!), and such a sweet, sweet boy.
Marley, 6, my little gymnast (with muscles way too big for her size!) loves fashion, design, protein and veggies! Loves to workout alongside Mom. She?s my buddy.
Cash, 20 months, my sweet little maniac . He loves wearing one sock and can destroy everything in site?with full parental supervision! He?s amazing and melts my heart.
Tell us about your business. How you got started, why??
Gosh, it is all such a blur! Let?s see?I have a background in business (10 years personal experience and family business). A little while into Chris? and my friendship, we realized he needed help badly. This was right after he had moved out of his car?and we knew if someone didn?t step in, he was well on his way back there! He was being pulled in so many directions, and would literally give EVERYTHING he had to anyone in need. Such a kind heart and a wonderful quality to give endlessly, but Chris needed to be saved from himself! I started by helping him manage his businesses, while we dreamed up transformation tools and programs on the side. A while later, he was approached to help develop a show (with him as the star trainer) for a CA-based production company, and naturally I helped out with this. When the show was in production, Chris became even more spread-thin and realized he couldn?t coach 8 people through the biggest year of their life alone. Coaching was easy for me, since I?ve been a certified trainer since my late teens (LA Fitness, baby), and have learned from quite a few of my own struggles in life. Before I knew it, we were co-transforming 8 lives in season 1, 8 more in season 2, and now 16 lives in Season 3! Crazy whirlwind, I?ll tell ya. In the process, these 32 people have transformed our lives as well . Last year we teamed up with a company,?Vemma, to design convenient products and programs for people on the journey of transformation.? It has been so fulfilling, finally offering people the tools they need to make the process easier!
First thing you do in the morning:
Starbucks.? Nothing happens until I get my Starbucks! My kids know my drink so well, they mimic me as I order. After I get the kids ready and off to school, that is ;).?I order a grande iced coffee with one pump of mocha (chocolate sauce). It gives me 165mg caffeine to sip on throughout the day for sustained energy, with only 25 calories total.
Describe your personal style:
My husband says ?hippie chic?, but I think what he means is ?unfashionable? . I?m so happy he sees a style in my lack of style. I would call my personal style classic. I like pieces and things that will be good for years to come ? I rarely ever have time to shop, so I need stuff that will endure the test of time!
How you stay fit:
However and whenever I can! Before the kids wake up, nap time, or after they go to bed is my preference. If these times don?t work on a particular day, we have a family workout!
We have a small gym in our garage with a squat rack, Olympic barbells, bumper plates, pull up bar and rings, dumbbells etc.? Most of our workouts are high intensity…crossfit style.? A typical workout ranges from 10 to 20 minutes, with a 5 minute warm up and cool down.? When the kids are around, we stick with body weight for safety.
Number one beauty item:
Right now, Chapstick. There is nothing worse than less than moist lips. I carry it with me everywhere. I try to keep a Lancome Juicy Tubes Lipgloss with me too to add some color/shine.
Favorite healthy snack:?
Almonds are my ?go to? snack for everything.? They?re loaded with healthy fats, protein, and fiber.? They really are one of nature?s miracle foods! Bonus ? my kids love them too.
Guilty pleasure:
Starbucks Zucchini Walnut muffins.? I have one every day in the morning. ?Yeah right,?? you think. Seriously. One thing I have learned is that we are all different ? some of us require weekly Reward Days, some require every-other-day Reward Meals. I require daily Reward Muffins! It satisfies any and all physiological, mental and emotional cravings, and keeps me eating extremely clean for the rest of the day.
Children’s item you can’t live without:
iPad. I can?t even imagine how all of this travel would be possible without one!
Tip or trick your mom taught you that have applied to yourself:
Always, always, always wear suncreen. Thanks, Mom!
Favorite tradition:
Chris and I are not much of toy-buyers for the kids, but I have to say that my favorite tradition is Chris? ?surprise gift giving? after he returns home from a trip. It?s not about giving the kids a toy or a gift, it?s about enjoying the anticipation, laughter, and fun that comes with the tradition of our family reuniting. He has brought the kids home a surprise from every single trip he has ever taken. That?s a lot of trips!
How you spend your “me” time:
I?m a workaholic. If I have time alone, nothing makes me feel better than clearing (or trying to clear) my inbox. It?s a never-ending, but exciting, battle.
Favorite motivational quote:?
?Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
?God that is within us.
?God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
?we unconsciously give other people?
permission to do the same.
?we unconsciously give other people?
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
?Marianne Williamson