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Halloween is such a fun time for our family…and maybe a little hectic, but so worth it! The costume choosing starts as early as the day after Halloween for the next year around our house :). This year was no different.
To be honest, I’m not sure what the kids look forward to more – the costume creation or the way-to-many sweet treats (that always result in a stomachache, I must add). Either way, Halloween is a time of year the Powell Pack loves!
This year, our Halloween day included school parties (where Matix won the gummy worm eating contest), our family’s traditional soup and chicken chili dinner, then some good ol’ trick or treating! Couldn’t have been any better :).
We?re one happy (and worn out) family!
2 Responses
I am excited to find my Mr. Right and start my family so I can enjoy the traditions I grew up with which sound like yours 🙂 Kudos to all the great “mom and dad” things you do for your family! Do you have a favorite recipe you use for the soup and chili? Care to share?
Love reading about your holiday festivities and looking at the adorable pix of your family! Hope you are feeling well for the soon arrival of baby #4 😉