Spring is definitely in the air and all four of the kids are so excited for the upcoming Easter Weekend! ?It’s Ruby’s first Easter and we can’t wait to gather with extended family to share in the fun of egg hunts, egg coloring and ?lots and lots of candy?activities! ? Help curb the sugar and keep the kids moving with some of the Powell Pack’s favorite outdoor games and bonus ?- ?adults of all ages will enjoy these too! 🙂
1. Easter Egg Hunt: Get a few extra steps in there for each child by having them hunt for a specific color of egg, and the child who finds all the eggs of that color wins. Since the kids will be looking for a particular color, they?ll run around a lot more! Bonus: the little ones like Cash can practice learning their colors. Hide one “golden” egg for each child to keep them hunting a little longer too!
2. Easter Egg Roll: ?After or instead of an egg hunt, get everyone involved in an egg roll! The first one, or team, across the finish line using a spoon, their hands, their feet, or even their noses wins. This is a favorite of Matix and Marley!
3. The Easter Bunny Says: ?Put an Easter twist on the traditional Simon Says, and watch everyone break out in fun and laughter as they all compete to be the last one standing.
4. Musical Chairs: Gather everyone around and pull out some fun music and let the competition begin to see who will get a chair first. Younger children like Cash can even be the music man. ?If you have lots of children of varying ages, play in groups to ensure everyone has fun and little ones don’t get squished :). ?Ruby is already strategizing with Chris on how to get the most people out the fastest!
5. Egg Relay Obstable Race: To add variety to the traditional egg relay race, have the kids transport multiple eggs (one at a time) during their turn, relay an armful of eggs back and forth between teammates, and go through, over, under, and around obstacles. If they drop any eggs, they have to start over.
6. Active Eggs: Write down different activities on slips of paper and put them in plastic eggs. Set a timer, have the kids choose eggs and complete the activities in the eggs. The child who completes the most activities before the timer rings wins. Here are some ideas: do 10 jumping jacks, do 5 burpees, hop on one foot 10 times, do 5 push-ups, do 5 sit-ups, do 5 crab walks, do 5 bear crawls, run around the yard once, etc.
We have loved these games in the past and can’t wait for this weekend to play again as we celebrate. Check out this video of some of our past Easter fun!
If you have any ideas for fun and creative Easter activities, share them in the comments below.