How to Beat Belly Bloat Instantly

Originally published on

For celebrity trainers and hosts of?Extreme Weight Loss?Chris and Heidi Powell, there’s a simple way to change the body instantly and beat belly bloat ??just in time for bikini season! It’s all about the foods we eat, but more importantly, overeat. If you’re consuming too much salt and sugar, a strong core can be covered up by a “layer of water and potentially a layer of fat,” says Heidi.

Here is the pair’s concrete rule to banish bloat in time for Summer: get sodium intake down to 1,500 milligrams per day, and cut sugar down to 20 grams. Eliminating excessive amounts of these belly-bloating culprits allows your body to naturally shed water weight and reveal all your hard work from the gym. Once you make this shift in your diet, Chris says you’ll see an immediate change and experience instant gratification.

To limit sugar and salt in your diet, cut out processed foods and reach for whole foods instead, like fresh produce and whole grains. And whenever you’re purchasing packaged foods from the grocery store, Chris insists that you “take a look at those nutrition labels!” When high percentages of salt and sugar are present, it’s a red flag to put the box back on the shelf and walk away. Let these?low-sugar breakfast ideas?and?low-salt recipes?serve as your go-to meals before slipping on that bikini.

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