Fit Pregancy: Stick-With-It Secrets From Trainer Moms

It?s Labor Day. What better way to celebrate than by sharing a few of my favorite tips for mamas with ?labor? in their near future ;). Thanks to Fit Pregnancy, I (along with some other amazing trainers) had the awesome opportunity to share my best stay-fit pregnancy advice in the August/September issue. After 4 babies of my own, this topic is SO near and dear to me ? so, it is my pleasure to pass this along to you!

HP- Fit Pregnancy Aug_Sept 2014LR

If you haven?t already, check out the issue in stores now.

5 Responses

  1. I’m pregnant with number 1 and am finding it hard to work out. I’m on my feet all day as a teacher and my ankles are so swollen by 4 pm I need to rest. I’ve gained 14 lbs in almost 20 weeks and Dr said to start watching my weight. I hope some tips can help!

  2. This is baby #3 for me, and it has been a TOTALLY different experience now that I am staying on top of both fitness and nutrition. Thanks for the inspiration Heidi! I am determined to be as healthy as possible, not just for this pregnancy but for the recovery—because it is hard!

  3. As a fellow trainer and fit mommy (expecting #2 this December!) I’m often asked how I manage to look so great during pregnancy. My answer is EXERCISE! Thank goodness for trainers like the women above who are helping to spread the word that pregnancy is a celebration of a woman’s true strength, and that happy healthy mommies make happy healthy babies 🙂

  4. Due nov 29th with baby boy #4! Didn’t work out with the other two pregnancy but so glad I started after my twins were born and have continued so far throughout this pregnancy even though it’s rough at times and some days I don’t want to step foot into the gym haha. Thank you for all the inspiration you guys spread!

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