Do you have some lofty?or even some not-so-lofty?goals you?d like to achieve? Are you a spectacular goal starter, but you have a hard time making it to the finish line (or maybe even the ? way point) for your goals? Would you say you?re a perfectionist? If you answered ?yes!? to even one of these questions, you?re not alone. So many people?92%, in some studies?make incredible, and even life-changing goals, but they never quite finish them. ?Not finishing? can make us feel like failures and like we can?t do hard things (or even some seemingly easy things), and it leaves us wondering what we?re doing wrong.
In reality, we?re not doing anything wrong! It?s the process we?re using for our goals that is the problem, and who better to learn from than Jon Acuff, a New York Times Best Selling author of six books whose been helping some of the biggest brands in the world tell their stories. So, grab a pen (or pencil, if you prefer) and a piece of paper or two (because you?ll definitely want to take some notes!) and enjoy all the wisdom as we talk about how to achieve your goals and more!
For full show notes + more info click here ?
Meet Jon:
Jon is a New York Times Best Selling author of six books, and he?s been helping some of the biggest brands in the world tell their stories for over 20 years. He has made it his life?s work to help people and businesses achieve their goals, and he?s shared his passion and knowledge (and awesome sense of humor!) with hundreds of thousands of people from speaking at some of the top conferences in the country to posting on his social media platforms.
Jon lives in Nashville, TN, with his wife Jenny, two teenage daughters, and a lovebird named Buddy who has his own IG account with over 2K followers. Jon?s love for queso is well-known to his social media followers, and he is a dog lover too?but he doesn?t have a dog.
Some questions I ask:
- A couple of years ago, you had a goal to read 100 books in one year. How did you do this? I heard there was some judgement from your followers??That?s not a book!? What was your answer to these judgments? (11:35)
- You ran 1,000 miles last year! How did you do it? What was your process? (17:15)
- What?s your goal for 2020 and why? (21:57)
- Your book, Do Over, is based on a ?Career Savings Account.? What is a Career Savings Account, and how does it work? (31:40)
- As a perfectionist, one of my favorite chapters in your book, Finish, was ?The Day After Perfect.? What is it about the ?Day After Perfect? that derails many people from achieving their goals? (44:55)
Click here to buy Jon’s book Do Over ??
Some key takeaways from this episode:
- Jon talks about his goal to read 100 books in a year, how to handle judgment from others, what ?counts? in a goal, and how you can?t spend your life chasing somebody else?s goal. YOU are the CEO of YOUR goal! (11:35)
- Jon talks about his goal to run 1,000 miles last year and about ?shrinking the year.? (17:15)
- Jon talks about his goals for 2020, how the pandemic has changed these goals, and about how to ?Pivot vs. Panic? during challenging and unknown times. (21:57)
- Jon explains a ?Career Savings Account?(including an in-interview diagram) and how you need relationships + skills + characteristics x hustle in your Career Savings Account. (31:40)
- Jon talks about why ?The Day After Perfect? is the most dangerous day for any goal as well as how perfectionism can totally derail any goal. (44:55)
- Plus so much more!
Get social with Jon:
- Website:
- Facebook: @authorjonacuff
- Instagram: @JonAcuff
- Twitter: @Jon Acuff
- LinkedIn: Jon Acuff
- YouTube: Jon Acuff
Jon also offers free weekly advice in these areas: entrepreneurship, writing, health, and speaking. You can sign up for these emails on his site!
To get the first chapter of Do Over?including all about a Career Savings Account, click here, and click here to order his book.