Chris and I talk with “The List” about small changes that can greatly improve and inspire healthier living. Here are 5 simple steps you can do to improving your health today. Which one do you think will be your biggest challenge? Which are you already doing? Let me know in the comments below!
1. SMART GOAL – Make it, Write it, Declare it, Achieve it.
2. MOVE for 5 minutes everyday (even if it’s just marching in place on commercial breaks).
3. EAT breakfast to get your metabolism revved up for the day.
4. REDUCE sugar – you don’t have to go cold turkey simply avoid the obvious when possible.
5. HYDRATE to curb cravings and monitor hunger. Start with a goal to drink a quart of water a day, then increase to a gallon.
109 Responses
#1 Is my biggest challenge. #2 I’ve got down. I’m training for a marathon, so I run 5 days a week and walk 1 day a week.
I think you both are awesome and genuinely care about the well beings of others….thank you for all you do to make a difference!really going to try the 5 small changes:) HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!
I have just turned 41 and I have never been the workout type of girl but recently I was with a friend and trying on clothes in a change room and looked at myself and didn’t like what I saw. so I made a promise to myself and wanted to change the way I looked so 2 weeks past and I have lost 11 pounds and 2 inches . I did everything on the list and yes it works! didn’t even know there was a list.. lol
I’m 65 workout three times a week and one of those days is with my personal trainer, who kicks my butt. I’m lacking on my cardio, but walk one to three times a week with my husband and cut the grass once a week which takes me 1 1/2 hours.
I try to be aware of eating healthy and with all this I have that big belly thing which you can’t miss. I am dealing with celiac disease and so some of there foods are high in calories.
Love watching the show but would love to know if there are any suggestions you would make.
-SEEKING YOUR HELP. Need to lose another 200 lbs
Hi Heidi,
My name is Rob Graulau and I am a huge fan of you and Chris. I originally learned about Chris from his work with David on the 650 lb virgin. I can relate because I too was 650 lbs however due to some injuries I have been stuck the last 2 years. I got down to 470 lbs but I have been stuck. I don’t know if you ever do any virtual meetings but I would be grateful for any advice. I have a herniated disc in my neck and I hurt my knees. I am a motivated guy but this has really slowed me down. I have been tracking my progress via my own VLOG at I would love for you to check it out and if you have any time I would be grateful to hear back from you. You and Chris are an inspiration and I THANK YOU for all the good you do each and every day! 🙂
Since April 2013 I have made and done all of the changes listed above in my life. It has paid off. I’ve lost 76 pounds since April 1. I feel better, I’m wearing smaller clothes, I went from zero exercise to about 2-3 hours a day. I hired a personal trainer, I eat clean (mostly – still have the occasional cheat meal not day) and am drinking close if not over a gallon of water a day. I watch your show every week and become inspired all over again to keep at it and am reminded that this is a minute by minute journey.
I do all of them already except for #3. I have the hardest time remembering to eat breakfast. On about 2/3 of my days, I’m lucky if I eat for the first time by the time it should be lunch time. Not a good thing, I know. Been really trying to fix that.
I’m to old now to loss weight (don’t think I haven’t tried). At this time of my life I will lose weight when I die I guess.
Really will I benefit from 5 minutes? I can’t do much more then that so I don’t do anything. I have been doing low carb for 30 days and have only fallen off three times. I feel a lot better but don’t have a scale. I do have doc. appointment next week I am excited to get blood work and advice from him. I just got onto Medicare so now I can take better care of myself. Also want to take this opportunity to say what wonderful human being the both of you are. Your sincere caring means so much to those of us that feel helpless. Thank you.
I think number one will be my hardest. I’ve tried almost all my life to lose weight and always fail, or at least never reach my goal. So I don’t share it anymore in case I fail again. Even though I’m determined not to fail this time. I already do numbers 3, 4, and 5, since April when I started using the information in “Choose to Lose”, then bought “Choose More, Lose More” as soon as it came out. Number 2 I’m just coming to terms with, it’s never been something I’ve been good at doing consistently. I did just get your boot camp dvd and will start it tomorrow. I have lost 20# so far using your plan, and have 54#s to go. Thank you for all your help and inspiration.