Whoops! Leave it to me to spill the beans!
This morning, while talking with Mathew Blades on his radio show on Mix 96.9, I let the cat out of the bag and referred to our new baby as “her”. Yep, we’re having a girl and could not be more excited!
So any suggestions for baby girl names?
27 Responses
Cheyenne, Or Mabel (mothers always bring extra love)
Charlotte is a great name, but it’s my daughter’s name, we get lots of compliments with it. Chloe is adorable as well!
My 5 year old daugter’s name is Tristen, which we decided while pregnant was going to be the name whether a boy or girl. She loves her name and say’s she would “share it” with your upcoming bundle of joy. Best of luck to you and your beautiful, healthy family!
I think it should start with a C because your older 2 start with M and you have Cash, I love the name Cyatel pronounced Seattle.
Chris’s mother and Grandmothers names..ie Emma rose…. or Christina
kaylee, meagan
hi congratulation,
So now i can knit something for your baby? where i can send it?
the french touch in USA
Awe, you’re so sweet! Thank you! You can email my team at [email protected] and they’ll get the address to you.
Congrats! To You and Chris!
Our daughter’s name is Hattie. Vintage but timeless. We love it! Congratulations!!’ Bows and frills are so much fun.
I love the name Stella for a girl!