With baby girl making her grand appearance any day now, we are trying our best to help Cash understand how his little world is about to change. We are also curious as to how he will treat his new little sister. We decided it would be a good idea to borrow one of Marley’s baby dolls and teach him the basics of being an awesome big brother, which we know he will be. 🙂
First, we addressed one of Cash’s most favorite possessions: the pacifier. This one took no training as he snatched it up and stuck it in her mouth.
Another one of Cash’s comforts is his “blanky”. We rarely go anywhere without a blanky. I said, “Cash, the baby is going to go night-night.” He then grabs her blanky and covers her up so she is “cozy cozy”.
Next item of business was the bottle. He wouldn’t even consider feeding her with it until we filled it up for him first. He then set out to feed her her bottle but not before trying it out himself first. Had to make sure it was- as Cash would say- ‘delicious’ enough for her. 😉
?”Baby hungry? Bottle?” And then he put the bottle in her mouth. 🙂
One day, he surprised us all by giving her his bottle.
While we know this will be a big transition for Cash, we have no doubt that he will be just as sweet as ever with his new baby sister. He’s already demonstrated to us that he’s a natural with babies. We can’t wait to see him take care of her and protect her, just like a good big brother would :).
Have more suggestions to help get siblings ready for a baby? Post away in the comments below…please. We could use them 🙂
19 Responses
As my sister’s family expanded, they made sure to schedule 1 day a month with each child, doing something special that they enjoyed. This gave each child one on one time with mommy or daddy. As an aunt, I do this with each of them as well. They really enjoy that one on one time, and I think they need it when there are many siblings fighting for mom and dads attention on a daily basis.
You don’t need our suggestions silly!! Between the 2 of you.. you now have 4 kiddos.. Y’ALL GOT THIS!! 😀
When my second daughter was born, my husband made sure to spend lots of extra time with my first, as did grammas and aunties. She got more presents than the baby! Lol! (Lots of big sister shirts….) anyway, it’s been two months and they’re great buddies. So happy for you guys!
November 18, 2013 @ 11:02 p.m.
I had my second in may while my first was only 20 months old. Since she was old enough to understand the baby part, but too young to understand what bringing a baby home meant for her and how she wasn’t going to be the center of attention anymore, we made sure to include her after the baby was born but while we were still in the hospital. We let her hold him and “help” out. We also had picture of the family there so that she knew she was still important and not forgotten (I brought the little shutterfly book I had made from her first year. One last thing was we had a gift to her from the baby that we gave her when she came to meet him. She loved her little brother from day one. She did try to pick him up out of his bouncer after we brought him home though, so I would definitely help cash understand that if he wants to help with his little sister, mom or dad need to be there as we’ll.
Just make sure to let him know to ask before he starts to help. He may get overly excitedly about helping and just do things on his own. Always good to have an adult around with him when helping with baby girl ???????
I have 3 boys under 6yrs old. When i was preggo with #2 I told #1 the baby was his! I would say your baby is kicking do you want to feel your baby kicking? We have to shop for your baby he needs a blanket to sleep with just like you etc… Needless to say he called his baby, “Baby” for the next year or so. They are extremely close great friends and were happy to be “Big and Biggest” brothers to our third son.
Too cute:)
When my twins arrived, I got great advice from twin moms. When I was playing/reading to my son and the babies started crying, I would say out loud, so my son could hear, “it’s Brayden’s turn for mommy’s attention. You need to wait.” That way he knew he was still valued and deserving of one on one attention. There was always some kind of chaos taking place, just had to get used to someone screaming most of the time. Good luck, Cash will do great!