Of all the questions I get asked, there is one that is asked FAR more often than the others: “Do you ever eat ?cheat? foods yourself?” Ladies and gents…I proudly admit that yes, I do. Every single day, in fact. BUT (and that is a huge “but”) it is NEVER off-plan. I have custom created my own meal plan that works for me to include my “morning hug.” It helps me stay on track, fight cravings, and eat healthy every other second of the day…just by allowing myself this one little daily reward. Watch the vid to find out what my daily cheat is, and how exactly I work it into my diet in a way that keeps me moving toward my goals…not away from them.
Depriving ourselves of anything, whether it?s that delicious rocky road ice cream calling our name in the freezer, or that perfectly-glazed donut in the donut shop window, will only lead to us wanting it more!!! Oftentimes, this leads to us obsessing over those dang foods. And we should NEVER give food that power over us!
My key to success? Indulgence…in moderation. By creating a plan that allows me the freedom to occasionally enjoy the foods I love has proven to work miracles for me. This has helped my relationship with food turn from one where it controlled me, to one where now I?control it. While this may not?be the key for everybody, it sure has worked for me, and I invite you to give it a shot if you are one of the MANY attempting (and most likely failing at) the “deprivation game.”
Sounds frightening, I get it. Think of it this way (Chris’ and my favorite way to put it): Try living the 90/10 rule. Ninety percent of the time eat perfectly, and I mean perfectly (NOT to be confused with imperfectly). Then the other 10% of the time, eat imperfectly :). It balances out and makes the perfectly imperfect lifestyle (NOT diet) for people like ME!!!
Do you have a “cheat” or “reward” plan that works for you? I?d love to hear about it, so let me know in the comments below!
66 Responses
I am following the carb cycle program , love the powell shakes , but the food selection on vemma bode app. Makes me crazy , it never changes ….I know it gives you every tool you need to choose which food for either your high or low carb day , I need to find different things to make , I get tired easy of eating the same things over and over , I like quick and easy except for dinner when I sit with my family . Any snack or lunch ideas ??? In need of some new ideas !!!
Are you carb cycling with the app only? If so, there are lots of food options and recipes in Chris and Heidi’s book, “Choose More, Lose More for Life.” Check it out!
I just can’t control my portion size even if its a healthy food…
and once I start eating cookies/donuts/sweets I just can’t stop …
If there’s a food(s) that you just can’t stop eating, then it’s best to stay away from those foods for a time. Those are the ones Heidi talks about in the video. As far as portion control, make sure you’re measuring out your foods, and once you’ve got your portions sizes all ready to go, put the rest of the food away. Supplement your meals with veggies (the non-root/non-starchy type), and those will help you feel fuller too. And make sure you’re drinking your water every day – Chris and Heidi recommend 1/2 your body weight in ounces (200 lbs = 100 ounces). That will help you feel fuller too. You can do this!
Do Chris and Heidi ever drink alcohol? It’s hard to completely cut it out
I’m with you, Shannon. I LOVE my wine. Not sure how it metabolizes though. I’ve heard it metabolizes differently than carbs.
DI’d you do protein shakes while pregnant?
It’s best to discuss any dietary supplements with your healthcare team while pregnant. 🙂
I do this too! If I deprive myself I always end up getting obsessive and crazy. I give myself one treat per day and eat healthy the rest of the time. It keeps me healthy AND sane. I used to struggle with weight but since I’ve started emphasizing fitness over the number on the scale and decided to eat well but not perfectly clean, I haven’t had any problems. Working out has become fun, a challenge instead of a chore, and I still get to enjoy what I eat. Do I have the perfect body I always dreamed of? Not quite, but my % body fat is healthy, I feel good and I’m very fit. Since I’m not a professional athlete or fitness model, that’s good enough for me. I often hear people say that you have to eat perfectly clean and I always get angry because I don’t think it’s feasible in the long run.
Love your video and the guidance you grace us with. But I want to know about your watch in this video! Who makes it?!
I think you guys are amazing! Thankyou for encouraging me in transforming my life as well as others! I’m always wondering how much food I should be eating daily to fit my nutritional needs. Im 34 years old, female. Very active and I have upped my calorie intake to 2300 a day. It seems like alot but Im not satisfied at anything under. I was told my tummy would never lift up without skin surgery. I wonder what percent of fat Iam really at. How do you really know?
You can have your body fat % measured – your healthcare team should be able to help you with this, or a personal trainer at a gym.
I’ve heard of the 80/20 rule, but I go 100% as much as I can. For summer it may be weeks between an indulgence because all that fresh fruit really satisfies me but in the winter I want the starchy stuff so if it fits in my calories I’ll let myself have something. I bet I average out to 2-3 times a week I let myself have something extra. This is my first winter maintaining so finding the balance is still new but the above is how I’ve lost 70lbs and still not deprive myself and it took me about 2 1/2 years to lose and never dropped below 1425 calories per day even with unmedicated pcos.
One more thing…
I have read some of the comments above and believe me I am no professional but in great shape etc and some state they allow themselves a “cheat day”….I have found that that can lead down the wrong path, try to limit to a “cheat meal” and not a “cheat day”….just something that has helped me along the way!!! 🙂
AWESOME advice Heidi and sooooooo TRUE!!!
My “daily” hug is my saving grace and totally keeps me on a healthy track the rest of the day!