“Running a marathon/half-marathon” is a goal that tops the fitness bucket list of many people Chris and I work with?and maybe even tops your list! Unfortunately, all too often this seemingly lofty goal falls into the elusive “someday” category, and falls between the cracks or by the wayside…only to never be accomplished!
Why does this happen? Why do we allow this fitness goal to seem more like a dream than a reality? While we find ourselves inspired by many who have run these incredible feats, we are oftentimes discouraged by one simple thing: A lack of information on a goal that seems overwhelming. We have no stinkin? idea where to start?so “start” tends to never happen at all. Or even more common is to begin running, but after a week with no plan or training regimen in place, we stop altogether, telling (lying to) ourselves that ?I?m just not a runner.? Trust me! I?ve tried to tell myself that too ?.
I have news for you: We are ALL runners if we want to be. It takes hard work, dedication, and words of wisdom from those who have been there. One of these wise people is my sweet new friend, Maury Harris, from myheartracesblog.com. I recently had the opportunity to chat with her about HER own incredible story on how she went from ?I?m just not a runner?it?s not possible? to an avid endurance athlete! Just 7 years ago she struggled to jog a few miles, but today this amazing lady stands a proud finisher of 18 half marathons and 18 full marathons! Remarkable, right? I?m telling you, if you?ve ever considered a running event of any length or duration, you?ll want to hear her advice. So put your running shoes on and PRESS PLAY!
Want to connect with Maury?
9 Responses
Thank you so much for the great motivation always.
Pretty similar case to Heidi.
Just applied for Tokyo Marathon again. It is a lottery, so you do not know if they take you before the end of September. 4th application, training hard already and this time I really got the feeling they will take me.
I will wear the shirt with the logo of my Non-Profit organization and show to the youngsters we are working fore that all things are possible.
Greetings from Japan. 🙂
Thanks for the lovely post. I have been wanting to start running since a while now. This is motivating. Thank you 🙂
I just finished my first marathon, I struggled but I kept going and crossed the finish line.
That’s awesome – congratulations!
Thanks, this was very inspiring! Music helps me a lot! Any good songs for my treadmill playlist? 😉
Check out Maury Harris’ youtube channel to find her Treadmill playlist 🙂
Good tips. I like the “run when you can, walk when you must” tip; I ran my 2nd 1/2 marathon over the weekend. My only goal was to run the entire thing without walking breaks. I was bummed at mile 9 when I started having significant right outer knee pain after the last major hill climb on the way back down. It forced me to walk/run the last 4 miles. I’m glad I finished…but determined to try again.
This was great! Fantastic tips! You are very inspiring!
I just want to tell everybody that you don’t have to run the whole half marathon. I have done 3 so far and I go between running and walking. I have also seen people who walk the whole half marathon. As long as you are out there having fun. 🙂