Be Kind to Yourself || Words of Affirmation + Inspiration Bangles


Loving who we are, with our imperfections and all, is crucial to a happy and healthy life…in my eyes at least. In fact, if you didn’t know, my tagline is even “Loving Who You Are.” And what I mean by this is exactly that?I love human beings for exactly what/who they are. Period. End of story. I feel like I am not one to judge, nitpick, or criticize, as I, myself, have a million-and-one imperfections, and I strive to be loved for exactly who I am too.

While we seem to do so well loving others for who they are, far too often we (especially us women) fall victim to offending the most important person in the world…ourselves!! Negative self-talk runs rampant in most of our heads and truly does define who we are.

The truth is that we are what we SAY we are!! Plain and simple: If we say we are disgusting, unlovable, fat, ugly (ugh..I don’t like using these words…even in a blog), then guess what? We will most likely live into that identity. We will act as someone who is unlovable, unattractive, unhealthy, etc….and before we know it, we will be those things. I believe Gandhi said it best:

?Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.?

On the very bright side, it is just as easy to be the opposite: Beautiful, lovable, healthy, kind, and compassionate. How? By reminding ourselves every day that we are worthy of being this person! We are all these perfectly imperfect creations of God, sent here to earth to make the most of our time and fulfill our very unique and divine purposes. We must know and believe that we are everything good (because He is our creator) and know that we have been equipped with all we need to fulfill these purposes. While this can be so difficult at times because it’s naturally easy to notice our flaws and imperfections (heck, you catch me doing this on social media every now and then even!), it’s vitally important to our well-being and health.

Studies have actually proven that by including positive affirmations in our daily routines, we can reap the benefits of eventually believing what we are telling ourselves. Don’t believe me? Give it a try. I challenge each of you to do 30 days (unbroken) of positive mirror affirmations. It might seem crazy and a tad uncomfortable, but you will be amazed at how your perception of yourself transforms in just 30 days. And consequently, others’ perceptions of you as well.

Okay…off my soapbox now and onto the fun stuff. It now may come as no surprise why I found myself absolutely obsessed when I learned that Cents of Style created a line of Tribe Inspiration Bangles. Like, literally, I get emotional when I see them all together like this!!! These are all  words we need to be reminded of regularly, and they can only make us happier, more positive, self-loving people. Naturally, I had to get one of each!!! Check out all of the phrases below…


This post was originally posted August 28, 2015, and since then, my love (and YOUR love) of these bracelets has skyrocketed. I love them and all that they represent. Cents of Style so graciously let me create my OWN line of affirmation bracelets using words and phrases that mean a lot to me: Perfectly Imperfect, Believe, and Rise Up.


Join our movement by representing what it means to believe, rise up, and embrace your perfectly imperfect self. Life lessons like these are just a piece of what you’ll also find on the TRANSFORM app. 


What I’m wearing:

Reebok Do Your Own Thing Muscle Tee (on sale for $19.99!): Click here.

The most amazing Cents of Style sweatpants ever that are no longer available (last year’s), but check out these French Terry Joggers with a super comfy fit (less than $18!): Click here.

Cents of Style Tribe Inspiration Bangles ($9.99 with code POWELL50): Click here.


For more information on the impact of positive affirmations, check out the following: 

*Originally posted on August 28, 2015*

63 Responses

  1. Love you and your hubby! I cry on almost every show and now I have my hubby and sons watching it with me.. It’s truly life changing. You both are such wonderful examples of what love is all about–real, raw, genuine, honest (imperfectly perfect as u say ?)….

    Anyways, I went to order a “freedom” bangle and tried to use POWELL twice to get the discount, but it said I had the wrong code… Help?

    Much love,

    PS do you know the song “do something” by Chris Tomlin? You both live that in your lives and I hope you know how much it encourages others. To just say thank you, doesn’t seem enough. ??

    1. Hi Carrie: Cents of Style has been overwhelmed with the popularity of the bracelets! I’d email them and let them know about the issue – they are fabulous to work with! [email protected]

  2. Hi. Now that the vemma company no longer is in business (for now) i dont know what to drink when my bode shake is finished. I only bought the shakes for my own use.
    I think that you and chris could start having your own website and start selling your products, I would definitly buy! (IF you start that you have to ship international because i live in sweden) thank you for your determination to make people healthier and transform. Love Amela

    1. Hi Amela: Once your Bode shakes are gone, Chris and Heidi’s recommendation for a protein powder is that it be whey-based with between 15-20 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of carbs per serving. This would be the protein portion of any meal if you’re carb cycling. Hope that helps!

  3. I have the second book and have read it
    Just checking for women
    Do i do 1200 on LC DAYS
    1500 on HC DAYS
    2500 on reward day
    Just wondering cuz I see the info on page 53 but in all other areas it gives the numbers above
    Seems odd everyone would use same

    1. Hi Kate: Yes, this is correct. Women eat 1200 calories on LC days, 1500 on HC days, and 2500 on Reward Days. Welcome to carb cycling!

  4. Hi again
    Day one and little confused
    I have had three meals in so far today is LC for me and I’m only at like 5oo calories I know low carb day supposed to get in around 1200. I’m used to counting macros and I use my fitness pal but only have two meals left to eat .
    Need a little guidance please

    1. Ok so the measurements next to food list is for the serving size then . I was going by the pics of like fat showing thumb size or TLBS spoon so I was trying to fit it in those guidelines
      Is almond milk for either day then

  5. Hi
    Questions here
    So you can have other foods than what is on list in book???
    Can the flavoring page list be used on HC or LC DAYS ? Used anytime? And could you give me am estimate size like oz or TLBS verses the finger size
    I do so much better with measurements from doing macros
    So if I am going to have some avocado for my fat on Lc it should measure to be about tablespoon ?
    Also is one Ezekiel English muffin count as a carb portion or is it 1/2 a muffin for carb portion
    So to decide if something should be on high carb or low carb I need to look at numbers on package

    Lots of question sorry

    1. Hi Katie: Yes, the flavorings can be used for any meal, and there are serving sizes listed with each item on the list. 1/3 cup of avocado is a fat serving size. 1/2 a muffin counts as a carb serving size. And yes, it’s best to look at the labels. You can find measurements for all foods on the approved foods list that begins on page 192 in “Choose More, Lose More for Life.” Hope that helps!

  6. Hey Heidi I had another question I am in the planning phase and getting my menu together for cycling and wanted to know if coconut water was ok to drink or maybe m is with some of the fruits for a smoothie for one of meals again thanks so much love you guys???

    1. Yes, coconut water is okay, just be sure and count those calories as they can add up pretty quickly. And smoothies are a good option, just be sure you’re only using serving total of carbs for each smoothie for high carb meals. Hope that helps!

    1. Hi Sara: I actually don’t know. I tried to call Cent’s of Style’s customer service to ask, and they are only available Monday-Friday. So sorry I can’t be of more help to you!

  7. Heidi, it’s almost 2am here and i was sitting here crying. Long story short, I’m going through a lot of family issues right now. I’ve been binging, and haven’t been sleeping well. I’m a stay at home mom, love my husband and daughter, and would do anything for them, but just can’t stand myself and am pissed off that I’m this way. I needed this. I opened my phone for some light and Chris’s post on FB was what i saw on this. (it sounds cheesy but i gelt like it was a sign to read this.) I don’t know you and you don’t know me but i love you and thank you sooo much. Now… I have a little more hope that i might go to sleep. :-/

    1. Hi Vanessa: Thank you so much for your post, and I’m so grateful that you found it in a time of need. And I hope that you got some sleep! We truly wish you the best in all that you’re dealing with.

  8. Hi Heidi and Chris,

    I am in Tempe now the same place where Chris went to college and got this bracelet ”hustle” because not only and I a full time student but I also meal prep, go to Crossfit Blackstorm, research, mend family relationships just like Jackie did! Someone told me that the people that are in your life or support system well you become them and I feel that I have became a lot like what the Powell pack (Heidi, Chris their family, friends and peeps) even though we have never met I just wanted to say thank you for being in my life and it would mean the world if anyone from team powell would be able to reach out ( by email etc.) and coach me about some hard times that are happening in my life. Most importantly you all taught me how to reach out for help to help myself!
    Thanks for everything,

  9. Just ordered mine! Excited to wear them and stay motivated. I went with “Be Bold” and “Get it Girl” 🙂

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