Flashback Friday: EWL Season 4 Finales!


Flashback Friday to Extreme Weight Loss season 4 finales. Crazy how fast time flies…one year later and 20 more lives transformed! #ILoveMyJob


4 Responses

  1. I love watching your shows with your husband extreme weight lose try to watch them to lose weight but just give up ive been overweight since 7 grade and gain and diagnose with dibetic high blood pruser and high chelestoral im at least 100lb overweight if there is anythingor advice you can give me please

    1. Hi Lorenar: Thank you so much for your support of the show – I know Chris and Heidi really appreciate it! Have you heard of their carb cycling program? You can check it out in their book, “Choose More, Lose More for Life.” The book contains their complete nutrition and exercise program, and it’s the same one they use on the show. It will teach you everything you need to know and do to achieve your own transformation! Learn all about it here: https://heidipowell.net/9060/how-to-begin-your-transformation-journey-step-by-step/. With your health issues, please discuss this – or any nutrition and exercise program – with your healthcare team first. You can do this!

  2. Crissss pelo amor de DEUS preciso da sua ajuda!!!! N?o sei o que fazer mais da minha vida!!!! Amo o seu programa, me emocionei em todos e preciso de voc?!!!!! Sou Brasileira e n?o vejo mais sa?da para mim. Obrigada.

    1. Hi Daniella: (Traduzidas usando o Google Translate) Chris adoraria ajud?-lo pessoalmente, mas, infelizmente, ele n?o est? assumindo novos clientes no momento. Mas voc? pode come?ar a sua jornada de transforma??o, hoje, com as ferramentas que ele e Heidi ter fornecido. Confira seu programa de ciclismo carb em seu livro, “Escolha mais, perder mais para a vida.” O livro cont?m seu programa de nutri??o e exerc?cio f?sico completo, e ? o mesmo que usar no show. Ele vai te ensinar tudo o que voc? precisa saber e fazer para alcan?ar sua pr?pria transforma??o! Saiba tudo sobre ele aqui: https://heidipowell.net/9060/how-to-begin-your-transformation-journey-step-by-step/. Voc? pode fazer isso!

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