Congratulations on choosing to begin your transformation journey! You have made a choice that will change your life?for the better?for many years to come. We want you to be successful, so Chris and I have made all of the tools we use with everyone we work with available for everyone to use in our books, Extreme Transformation and Choose More, Lose More for Life, and our TRANSFORM app. In both of our books, we?ve outlined everything you?ll need to do to reach your transformation goals, so let?s get started!
Step #1 Promises: The foundation of your transformation.
Making and keeping promises to yourself is the true secret to transformation, and it?s the most important step of your entire journey. Begin your journey today by making and keeping one small promise!
Step #2 Carb cycling: The nutrition plan that fires up your metabolism.
Carb cycling is a nutrition plan with alternating high and low-carb days that not only maximizes your metabolic burn, but it?s also extremely effective at speeding up weight loss while maintaining those fat-burning muscles. It adapts easily to your daily routine for weight loss success, and it helps you avoid that dreaded weight loss plateau. And in carb cycling, you get reward days or meals (depending on the cycle you?re following), so you can still eat your favorite foods from time to time! Awesome, right?!
Learn about the basics of carb cycling, then explore and choose one of the five different cycles: Easy, Classic, Turbo, Fit, and Extreme (the newest member of our carb cycling family). And don?t worry! You can change cycles at any time?it?s that flexible!
Step #3 Exercise: Move your body to accelerate weight loss.
In addition to a sound?and simple to follow?nutrition plan (like carb cycling), you?ll need an effective?and realistic?exercise program to help you reach your transformation goals. Chris and I have put together just the program for you! It combines strength training (for muscle development and maintenance) and cardio (for accelerating calorie burn), to turn your body into a maximum calorie-burning machine. And we?ve outlined everything you?ll need to do?step-by-step?every single day! So learn about the basics and benefits of exercise first, and then get moving today!
When you put all of this together, your journey becomes whole. Take a look at the stereogram image above. This captures the essence of transformation so beautifully. Before you shift your focus, all you see is a chaotic mess of dumbbells and food. Basically, it is the confusing mess of every single diet and exercise program out there for weight loss. But once you shift your focus, the 3-D path of true transformation?and lifelong weight loss?becomes clear.
678 Responses
I want to try carb cycling and typically work out 6 days a week. I really just want to lose BF and a few pounds. Part of me wants to go Turbo but wonder with workouts if classic or Fit are better options. Thoughts?
You can try Turbo, and if it doesn’t work for you, you can change cycles at any time. Happy carb cycling! 🙂
Hi there! Recently I have hit my heaviest weight of 152. Doctors have told me to decrease my weight and I have gotten it to 148, but I want to weigh at least 135. I am a fan of extreme weight loss although I haven’t been able to watch much. I keep a notebook of inspiration from the show along with my records of my weight and such. Comments have become hard to hear because my ex 3 years ago broke up with me for a skinny girl and told me I used to be beautiful when I was thin. My father told me I had a huge gut and would make fun of me for it. My bf’s mother asked when my baby was due and I’m not pregnant but I can forgive her because her mind is not right from having an aneurysm. However, even though she was told that was rude, my boyfriend and his father still laughed at the comment. I am at a loss of what to do. Hopefully, I can find further inspiration to better myself because I’m tired of being picked on for this.
Hi Kya: Give carb cycling a try. It’s an awesome, well-proven program, and all the steps you need to get started on your own transformation journey are right in this post. You can do this! 🙂
Hello .I am currently having some struggles.My exercise of choice was running,Until i had an accident and now some days i cant even move .,I have a broken tailbone,nerve pain and arthrisis in my spine,so some days are very difficult for me.I do eat healthy but the pounds keep gaining up.What would you suggest for an exercise plan?
thanks in advance
Oh no! So sorry to hear about your accident! With your medical issues, it’s best to discuss any exercise program with your healthcare team so we can keep you safe as you work to achieve your goals. You might discuss Chris and Heidi’s exercise program in their book, “Choose More, Lose More for Life,” with your team so they can help you make any necessary modifications while you’re healing. Hope you feel better soon!
I am going to look for the book, as right now I’m a little confused. You talk about 9 minutes a day, but in your reply on Oct 24, it says that Chris and Heidi recommend to working out an hour. So how and which can help if especially your short on time. I do try to do a couple of workout dvd’s ( Bob Harper) but on some days I’m just, tired.
The 9-Minute Missions are the strength training part of your workouts. The hour is the cardio part – Shredders. You don’t have to do both at the same time, you can do your 9-Minute Missions in the morning and your Shredders anytime during the day that works best for you.
I have been doing research on the carb cycling lifestyle. I think it would help me with my fitness goals. I’m very active, I do T25 as my exercise of choice but I struggle with my diet. I do not like very many vegetables and it said with each meal (all 5) to incorporate 2 servings of vegtables. Any suggestions on how to do this? Also should all 5 meals be about the same amount of food, or should lunch and dinner be larger portions? I just ordered the chris Powell shakes and I’m looking forward to trying it. Thanks for all the help!!!
It is recommended that you have veggies with every low carb meal, and with high carb meals if you’re still hungry. There’s an awesome graphic in this post (as well as some other great info) that shows you how to put together every meal – both low and high carb: And as for fitting them if you’re not a veggie fan, just do the best you can. Eat the ones you do like and try new ways of preparing others – you might find some other ones you like. Happy carb cycling!
i work with Dr Wyatt in Endocrinology at Anschutz campus I have had the pleasure of working with her since her fellowship in our practice.
I am so embarrassed to say I have gained 60+ pounds in the last decade as I moved out of daily activity running in the clinic to sitting 10 -12 hours a day working as a coordinator. I was always very active in sports in school then Ninjitsu in my mid twenties. Many, many tragic events in my life causing extreme stress and now I am the sole financial responsibility of the family falls on me
now I find my self overweight, tired and struggling. I spend 2 hours a day commuting to and from the office and I work 7 am – 5 pm. The only way I can figure to take advantage of the wellness center is to be there when it opens a 5 am. I worry about the lack of rest that comes with committing to that program Then I have to figure out the food. Not easy for one who doesn’t cook. I guess I’m not sure what I need or want from you , but thank you for helping so many. I know I’m not bad enough to qualify for your program and I surely don’t want my failure to be televised.
If you could help with meals ideas to fit your car cycling plan I cannot eat any dairy or dairy substitutes. That makes protein shakes really hard. No cottage cheese; but I can sneak a Greek yogurt here and there. I am only home an hour or so before I have to go to bed so cooking time has to be limited. Again I appreciate all you are doing for so many. Maybe I will see you on campus sometime.
Very best
Hi Bev: Besides following the steps in this post, both of Chris and Heidi’s books (“Choose to Lose” and “Choose More, Lose More for Life”) have an extensive list of approved foods as well as many easy, healthy, and yummy recipes. Chris and Heidi are also big fans of meal prepping ahead of time, and they offer some tips on how to do this in their books too. You can do this!
Hey.. Im Nidhi from India. I really need your help in loosing weight.. Everybody in my family is perfect but its only me who is overweight n fat! I dont feel confident with myself anymore. I really wish if you could help me PLEASE!!
Hi Nidhi: Chris and Heidi have made all the tools they use with the contestants on the show available for all of us to use to reach our transformation goals. Everything you’ll need to begin and achieve your own transformation is in this post. Just begin with step 1, and move through each step, and you’ll be on your way! You’ll find other info to help you on your journey on this blog and on YouTube, and they also have a great community of support on Facebook. You can do this!
Thank you Heidi Powell for responding. I wanted to run a scenario by you and Chris and see if you have ever run into this with all the different types of people you’ve helped over the years.
I initially lost 100# by diet change and exercise. I have had multiple personal trainers and currently work with the hardest trainer I’ve had. I keep to my food intake, drink my water and exercise on a regular basis including two intense workouts a week with my trainer.
Instead of continuing to lose weight I have become stagnant and am now actually gaining weight. In the three months that I have been with this new trainer I have gained 12 pounds.
I am constantly tired, my red blood cells are very high and my carbon dioxide is very low. All other levels are normal and all texts have come back negative. Doctors don’t know what else to do and have told me to just continue to work out and eat properly.
I’m hoping that you and Chris can look at my scenario and just tell me your thoughts. Any help will be appreciated.
Hi Kimberly: I’m so sorry to hear about the issues you’re having – it must be way beyond frustrating! You might compare the nutrition program you’re following to Chris and Heidi’s carb cycling program ( and see if it might give you some ideas nutrition-wise that will help you reach your goals. The exercise program is awesome, too, and might offer you some things you can add to your current routine. As far as the issues with your red blood cells and carbon dioxide, it’s best to continue to work with your healthcare team to find the answers to these problems. All of us at Team Powell wish you the best!
Just want to start off by saying thanks Chris and Heidi for a great book to help everyone get healthy and fit. I was wondering if there is a sample plan of what foods you can eat on the turbo cycle? What are examples of a low Carb day and a high Carb? Thank you!
Here are some meal ideas for low and high carb days (all recipes are from Chris and Heidi’s books: “Choose to Lose” and “Choose More, Lose More for Life.”). Low carb day: Breakfast (within 30 minutes of waking): Basic Omelet with a corn tortilla to make it a wrap. Snack (3 hours later): A protein shake with a portion of a healthy fat, like peanut butter, mixed in. Lunch (3 hours later): Tomato Basil and Garlic Chicken with a portion of olive oil drizzled on top. Snack (3 hours later): Sonora Cottage Cheese with a portion of avocado. Dinner: (3 hours later): Lemon Chicken drizzled with salad dressing. High carb day: Breakfast (within 30 minutes of waking): Denver Omelet with a portion of your favorite fruit or oatmeal on the side. Snack (3 hours later): Greek Yogurt Parfait with a portion of low fat granola.
Lunch: (3 hours later): Caribbean Jerk Chicken with a portion of brown rice. Snack (3 hours later): Protein shake with a portion of oatmeal mixed in. Dinner (3 hours later): Apple Cider Chicken. And remember, you can have veggies (the non-root/non-starchy type) with every single meal, and you can use any of the foods on Chris and Heidi’s approved foods list – in the proper proportions – to create meals to fit your needs.
Heidi ~
First off, love you and Chris both. I have learned a lot by reading your two books and look forward to the third that I hear is coming out next year.
A little background first and then I have just a couple questions. I am about 450 pounds (that kills me to admit) and in the past I have done workouts at Curves and similar. However, I got pregnant and stopped a lot of what I was doing after my doctor recommended just “taking it easy” as I was high risk being 36 years old and overweight. I was only doing Curves for about 6 months but stopped immediately to focus on baby. In the meantime, I have a second child and again sat like a chicken on an egg to protect that I had going on. So now here I am, overweight, exhausted and severely out of shape. I have begun to get back on track with your books and have cut out all processed foods, sugar and soda. I even went so far as to do a personal trainer at the gym because our Curves center closed but I knew I needed help with what I was going to take on. I am studying your book like I’m cramming for a big test and so far doing pretty good. I have not cut down to 1200/1500 calories as of yet with recommendations from my trainer. “I didn’t get this way eating so little and it would put my body in shock”. He has also told me that a 30 minute workout and twice a week was enough for me to meet my goals. NOT BUYING THAT!! I realize I am in a small, podunk town and sometimes just because you have a certificate these people call themselves a trainer, but it was a start for me. I am finding that I am more than capable of doing his 30 minute strength training, while breathing hard, but could definately go more. I find myself pushing my trainer to push me harder – who would have thought. I have no medical conditions other than some arthitis in my knee and right now walking hurts my knee. I did get through his 12 min treadmill “test” without dying but my knee was very sore. I will be amazed what even losing 50 pounds would do for my knee but I need to get there before I do a lot of treadmill work.
Anyway with the limited info above my questions are:
1. In your book, I see the “shredders” and “shapers” and see to do them daily. However, I still want to continue going to the gym and lifting as I love that part. What do you think would be appropriate to do daily or weekly?
2. Do you give advice on the numbers aspect? I would like to lose about 250 pounds. Right now my goal is 200 pounds. When I get there I will decide where I am happy but I want to get a good head start. I am doing the turbo carb cycling but sometimes I feel 1200/1500 calories isn’t enough, especially several days in a row. Should I “ease” myself down as my “trainer says or just bite the bullet and convince myself I am fine. Now I follow pretty close to the menu you have but I may add in more protein or an apple/peanut butter. I fluctuate between 1800/2200 right now. But I am a numbers person and I want to know calories, carbs, protein, fats etc. I guess I am an “all or nothing” kind of gal.
3. Thoughts on Quest protein bars? okay to put in as a snack or meal as long as only one a day? I feel I get my sweet tooth fix through these and they really fill me up. It seems if I start my morning with a protein shake and oatmeal then I am good throughout the day with my other meals until about 3 or 4 pm.
Anyway, thank you for listening. I am open to any/all information that you can share with me because this is the last time I “start over” on this weight loss thing.
Let’s get you some answers to your questions: 1. Shredders and Shapers are cardio, and Chris and Heidi recommend you work up to an hour a day, 5 days a week. You can lift in addition to that, or do their 9-Minute Missions as your strength training. 2. If you’re struggling with the calorie requirements of the Turbo Cycle, try the Easy or Classic Cycles for a bit. Each alternates between high and low carb every other day, so that might be a good option for you as you’re beginning carb cycling. There’s a great graphic (as well as some other awesome info) in this post that might help: 3. Quest bars are a great option for low carb meals, and make sure you’re getting all 5 meals a day! And happy carb cycling – you can do this!