Transform App FAQ: HELP!!! I’ve been working my butt off, following my meal plan, and the scale’s not moving! What do I do?

If you ever step on the scale for your weekly weigh in and your weight has plateaued or gone up, please don?t freak out! This can be very common, so you?re not alone!

If you’ve been following your TRANSFORM program closely, chances are it is NOT fat gain! Simply identify one of the 4 physiological reasons why this is happening, then implement the solution immediately!


REASON 1: Muscle swelling

Muscle swelling occurs after each and every resistance training workout as the body?s response to trauma to the muscle tissue. The amount of swelling depends upon the intensity of the workout and can be from 1 to 5 pounds of water. The higher the intensity, the more the swelling! This lasts for several days after the workout, then subsides.

If your muscles are chronically sore and your jeans are tighter, your muscles may be swollen with water!

This is the NUMBER ONE reason why most people see a slight gain on the scale the first week they begin resistance training. This is also the reason why many people who over-exercise tend to plateau in weight too. The constant stress releases cortisol, which also leads to more swelling and water retention.


  • Reduce the intensity of your training and give your body several days to adjust.
  • Drink an extra quart of water every day.
  • Get a light massage to assist the lymphatic system with drainage.
  • Get more sleep. Sleep allows your body to rest, relax, and RELEASE!

In the meantime, keep your nutrition, hydration, and cardio Accelerators dialed in, and you will see your body start dropping nicely within several days.

REASON 2: Sodium

Sodium is a necessary electrolyte to keep us hydrated. However, sodium is also a magnet for water, and consuming too much of it can lead to excess water retention. Since a gallon of water weighs eight pounds, the excess sodium holds the water in your body for up to 3 days, easily increasing your bodyweight from 1 to 15 pounds!!

If you have recently consumed high sodium foods (like fast food or restaurant food) in the last day or two, you may be retaining several pounds of water!


  • Reduce sodium intake by avoiding most fast food and restaurant prepared meals and sauces.
  • Consume low sodium foods for several days and see how fast the numbers drop on the scale. It?s all water retention!
  • Drink an extra quart of water every day.

REASON 3: Hormonal fluctuations

Women can retain fluid during their monthly cycles, and this should last no longer than a week. The fluctuations in hormones can cause unwanted bloating that can significantly affect bodyweight. Other hormonal issues, such as ADH (Vasopressin) or Aldosterone fluctuations from alcohol intake or a day of dehydration can throw off your body?s water balance, causing a massive ?water wave? of retention for up to 3 days AFTERWARD. Thyroid issues and certain medications can also play a role in the way your body reacts to your transformation program.


  • PLEASE consult your physician before and during your transformation. Get regular check ups and blood work from a doctor. Not only is this wonderful prevention for detecting health issues early on, but your doctor can also determine if hormones are an issue. You may require medication.

REASON 4: Consuming too many calories

Finally, if you are consuming as many calories as you are burning or more, your body is going to maintain its current bodyweight or even slowly gain weight. Ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Am I following my nutrition plan portions?
  2. Have I been emotionally eating?
  3. Am I doing my full duration of Accelerators?

If you have been following the program closely, then let us automatically adjust your program for results!


  • When the troubleshooting page appears at your official weekly Progress Check, select for us to adjust your current plan. We will automatically shift your calories down and switch your carb cycle to get you faster weight loss results!!
  • Our logic is designed to start your program at the highest possible calorie intake possible to still get you results. THEN, every time your progress slows, we can step your calories down and alter cycles to increase the rate of your weight loss results.
  • This process prevents severe metabolic slow down and feelings of deprivation and restriction, allowing you to eat MORE of the food you enjoy and still achieve the results you want. This is the FUTURE of weight loss!

There’s no need to beat yourself up about that number on the scale. If you’re following your program, you WILL achieve your goals!



Related reading:

A Weight Loss Win: It?s More Than That Number on the Scale
It Really Is All About the Promise
Reignite Your Fire to Achieve Your Goals!
6 Secrets to Success: How to Reach Your Goals This Year
Our Transformation Mantras + Top Tips for Success
What?s Your Excuse?

50 Responses

  1. Hi, I am a 40 year old wife and other of 7 . I had Gastrectomy: sleeved. Done 5/13/15
    I weighed about 330
    Now I weigh 236
    With my tummy so small I can only hold about 6 oz. at a time. So my calaries being about 900 to 1100 a day. So I was wondering if you would have any ideas of how I could loose the last of the weight I need to to have skin removal done. I had blood work done my thyroid tested n my iron they came back normal then I went to a food nurturian she was even at a loss of why I couldn’t loose any more weight.
    I started going to the gym on January 1 of this year, I go 5 days a week, I work out with a trainer for an hour. So I was wondering if you would have any ideas of what I could do? Do you think I need to work out more? Now I go 30 min. on the treadmill then 30 min. strength training n sometimes with weights. If you could help me that would be great. ? Bonnie

    1. Hi Bonnie: Thank you for your comment! It sounds like you’re definitely on the right track to achieve your goals. With your past surgery, it’s best to work with your healthcare team on any nutrition and exercise program since what could work for one person wouldn’t be best for another. Your healthcare team are the best ones to help you since they understand your health history and can work with you personally now and in the future. One thing to remember is that weight loss is 80% nutrition, so hang in there, eat and workout as directed by your team, and you can do this!

  2. Heidi, how does the app work. I see it says free for a one week trial. Secondly, I read the book Choose more, lose more for life. Originally, I did great. I lost 20 pounds and held that off for about a year and a half. Then came menopause, now I am officially post menopausal and have gained about 8 pounds all in the middle area. Feel like I need to start over again. I am 5 foot 3, 140 (currently), exercise not a problem as I work out 5 to 6 times a week with strength and cardio. Can you advise on both my questions.

    1. Hi Tammy: Yes, your first week of the app is free so you can check everything out. It’s amazing! It customizes your meal plan and your workout plan to you and your goals, and it changes as you progress. Here’s a post that outlines the 3 programs in the app, and you can change programs at any time: 🙂

  3. Hi my name is Bianca and I am currently using the transform app and loving it! I am a little confused on my body fat percentage because my scale says one thing and my math says another. What is the best way of calculating body fat percentage? My scale says it’s 41.2% but my math says it’s around 27% and the those pinching things say 35%??? What’s a girl to do….Can you please advise, thanks in advance

    1. Hi Bianca: Getting your body fat measured with the calipers by someone who knows how to do this is the best way unless you can get your body fat measured through something like a Bod Pod. Using the scale can be unreliable since that number can be affected by several different things. 🙂

  4. I’m just finishing my first week and wondering when I can start planning next weeks meals. Friday is my reset day, today is Saturday and I see my meal plan for today, but there isn’t an option I can find to plan my upcoming meals. Did I miss a step somewhere? I completed my progress report yesterday and thought maybe that was needed to calculate meals for next week, but nothing updated or changed. Otherwise, I’m loving the app!

    1. Hi Erin: If you’ll go to your Nutrition page, there are some dates at the top of the screen. Any that are black are available for meal planning, so click on those dates, and plan away! 🙂

  5. Hey Heidi! I look up to you and follow you daily on the Transform App! You are so beautiful and have such a rockin bod! I’m wondering if you’ve ever struggled with spider veins after having children or from lifting heavy? I don’t feel like I can wear shorts because of this issue so I’m considering having them treated. So I guess I’m wondering if you’ve ever had veins treated because I’m worried they’ll just come back because I love lifting heavy?

  6. I am looking for some direction. I am following the turbo plan, I am 5’7 and 219#, i am trying to locate the macro per meal for low carb and high days. I am trying to fit some personal meals into my daily meal plan and want to do it the right way.


  7. I don’t have the app (no smart phone) but have read your Extreme Transformation book and I loved it. I just had a question about carb cycling. Ive noticed on my low carb days I get really “Hangry” (and I mean really-to the point of screaming at my husband and throwing fits) , and also feel shakey. I work really hard to get the right amount of calories, carbs, fats and proteins. I average 1300 calories a day, 45 g fats, 65 carbs and 95 protein on my low carb days. I make sure I eat/snack every 2-3 hrs (if I make it that long!), so I don’t understand why Im feeling that way (though I have had problems feeling hypogycemic sometimes in the past. I’ve seen my dr about it and he has done tests and has never found anything. I think now I know why, its related to my carb intake). I don’t feel this way on my high carb days. Im 5′ 4 and weigh approximately 158, Im trying to lose 30#. I workout on the treadmill 5-6 days a week. Any idea whats going on?

    1. Hi Linda: You’ll want to aim for closer to 1500 calories on both low and high carb days, and you’re welcome to add non-starchy/non-root type veggies to any meal, which will add some carbs into your days. It can be common to have a hard time on low carb days at the beginning of the program, especially is your body is used to lots of carbs, so please give it some more time, add in those veggies, make sure you’re eating 1500 calories a day, and things should get easier. You’re doing awesome!

  8. Hi Heidi,

    I’ve downloaded the app and been following for almost two weeks now. I don’t really have a question, I just need an ear or an outlet. I had my second baby 8 months ago and I have been struggling so hard to lose this baby weight. I just want to be my normal self and I feel like I keep face planting along the way of trying to get back there. I am just so frustrated and sad. Like I said, I dont have a question, but just needed an outlet to someone who I think “gets it.”
    Thank you,


    1. Hi Erica: We hear you! Losing that baby weight and getting back to “normal” can be so frustrating! You’re definitely on the right path, and the app can help you get to where you want to be and beyond. Keep taking those baby steps one after the other, and you will get there! You got this! ?

  9. If I chose a start day of last Wednesday, but haven’t been able to commit and want to start fresh today from the beginning is there a way to reset the App?

    1. Hi Amber: Yes! Here’s what you’ll do:
      1 – Go to [Me] and select [Program] on the top navigation bar
      2 – Select another transformation program (Weight Loss, Physique, Cross Training)
      3 – When the pop-up asks if you want to select THAT program, select “Yes”
      4 – Then select to go “back”
      5 – This will override the system and place you back on the original Transformation selection page. Now you can start fresh!!

      We wish you the best – you got this!

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