Whoops! Leave it to me to spill the beans!
This morning, while talking with Mathew Blades on his radio show on Mix 96.9, I let the cat out of the bag and referred to our new baby as “her”. Yep, we’re having a girl and could not be more excited!
So any suggestions for baby girl names?
27 Responses
Cherish Laurie
November 17th- 4:44am
Charity Lauri
Congrats. Well wishes for your family. I named my daughter Tegan Alexis. I live her name.
I’m happy that you are having a baby girl! Congrats! I have been thinking about names for your daughter. (I had a baby daughter who passed away many years ago, that’s why I love babies so much!) Your first two children’s names start with “M”, and then there’s Cash – what a cutie he is! So, why not begin your daughter’s name with the letter “C”. For humor’s sake, the first thing I thought of was “Carrie”. Get it? Cash n Carrie? But, after thinking about your many adventures that have taken you around the world, especially in France, I thought the name Christine (which is French) would be really cute. Please post a pic of you at this phase in your pregnancy. I would love to see it. Hope you and Chris are well and happy. I miss seeing your show. Can’t wait ’til it’s on again. Melody
Name it after someone who has impacted your life. Someone who means something to you. Children are a blessing from above.