Meredith, oh Meredith?oh how we have missed her!! As one of the leading transformations in season 3 of Extreme Weight Loss, Meredith has gone on to do great things and impact many lives. I’m proud to call her a friend :). See what she’s been up to since her episode aired last summer!
Q: In your episode, we watched you embrace running?? you even completed a marathon! What are you doing now?
A. Since my episode aired, life has been an incredible whirlwind full of ups and downs – learnings and growth. I was so proud to have reached my goal weight but didn’t really have a plan for the future — what came next after completing my life long dream of living in the perfect body and having the courage to face my demons?
Reality set in and I began to feel lost but one thing I learned from Chris and Heidi was to always be open and honest about where I am. I reached out to my support group at home and friends who care immensely about me and found my way back on track after a gain back on the scale. Each day I strive for balance – eating meals to nourish my body, not my feelings. My new career with lululemon Athletica that helps me so much with that! I love working with like minded, goal driven individuals and sweating in our community!
Q. So tell us, what is the most important piece of advice you?d share with someone just staring out?
A. Believe It, Be It. You can do anything you set your mind to!!! Some days, I still forget this, most days it’s really tough. But if you deep in your heart want something, you are worth it and can achieve it!
Q. Many reading this find it challenging to keep motivation? How or what did you do to get remotivated when you found yourself in the same situation?
I am perfectly imperfect?as Heidi once shared with me – and that’s okay! It’s been very difficult to maintain motivation. But I can keep going and always find my motivation again if I’m honest with not only others, but most importantly myself. Clearing my integrity and remembering why I set visions and goals keeps me on track!
Q. Mer – what’s your favorite workout? Give us your tips!! (Here’s that ring we were talking about!)
A. Yoga is a go to for me, but boxing?is my current favorite! I train with a coach 6 days a week and am getting ready to spar in the ring for the first time very soon! My favorite workout tip is to face your fear head on! Just let it all go and try something new…You might just surprise yourself!
Q. Any fave?pieces of workout equipment?
A. Just me & my mat! The Mat from lululemon gives me a no slip grip even in the sweatiest of classes! It also allows me time to sit and meditate on my dreams, goals and desired future.
Q. Let’s talk cheat/reward days/meals. What’s your splurge?
A. Frozen yogurt!!!! With Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups on top 🙂
Q. Tell us some of your favorite on-the-go healthy snacks.
A. Almonds are a go to for me. I love Weight Watchers
cheese sticks or an apple as an easy grab and go snack!
Q. What is your favorite memory from your journey with Chris and Heidi?
A. My favorite memory from my journey was right after we filmed a piece at my house where I was sharing with Chris all this information I had about my birth parents. We had known each other just a few months and I really tried to keep it together so I could talk to him. The cameras cut and I smiled and walked down to my bedroom and Chris came in, gave me one look and I lost it.
He gave me the most amazing hug. We sat there and he let me cry on his shoulder for at least half an hour and let go of the hurt and pain of feeling abandoned I had been carrying around for years. I looked into his eyes and I knew I had a friend for life. It was one of my biggest emotional breakthroughs I’ve ever had. He’s such an incredible, down to earth, real soul and I’m one of the luckiest people in the world to call him a friend.
Q. If you could create a workout for?Heidi and Chris to do, what would it be??
A. I would make Heidi carry me up Makeout Mountain (a hike we always used to do together) that she numerous times jumped on my back for a ride for! Haha and as far Chris goes, I’d get him in the boxing ring for a little fun to show him my new skills!
Miss Meredith’s episode? Watch it now on youtube!
7 Responses
I just watched this episode last night, and I’ve played it twice today so far. Meredith, I’ve cried tears of joy for you every single time I watch the marathon segment. Heidi, what you and Chris do for people is so important, and affects so many people you don’t even know about. And I love updates on previous episodes. Take care.
Saw the episode tonight and i really hope to accomplish my goals like Meridith did. I am a mom of 2 and oddly her weight goals are close to where i am at currently. I am used to being 120lbs soaking wet and since my kids were born i have struggled to get motivated and to be me again. I have lost myself and resent all the wrong things. I need to learn to love me again and to love life. I understand things i did not before watching the episode. Thank you for sharing this story and i hope one day to be like Meridith.
I stumbled upon the episode of ewl and it was Meredith. After watching, I couldn’t help but search up how she is now because she’s so self driven and has such an inspiring attitude. I’m glad shes found her crowd at Lulu. Their trainings for employees are really one of the best. It wasnt until I partook in their goal coaching session then I took a step to doing what I’ve always achieved. I will make sure to keep her attitude in mind when tough times come! Thank you for sharing.
Meredith was one of my favorite episodes!! I love hearing what she is up too!!
Did Meredith meet her birth mom?
Aww! I love hearing what Meredith has been up to, and that moment with Chris is really special. Meredith’s episode is the one that got me hooked on the show. I was laying in bed with my almost 2yo and he looked at Meredith and said, “there’s Momma.” I watched her complete a marathon and I found the motivation to take up running soon after. I’m still into running and I’ve lost over 50lbs and, more importantly, am teaching my 1 and 2 year olds healthy habits so they don’t struggle as I did.
Wow thanks for this! We loved Meredith (her story, her transformation, her lose,) and now what’s going on I just wanted to say Great job and again thank you!