From Heavyweight to Featherweight: Our EWL Fighter Jenn!

I was fortunate to spend a lot of one-on-one time with Jenn this year and be a part of her transformation firsthand.?I know her fight-or-flight workout with me seemed a bit harsh – both physically and emotionally – but we had spoken at length with Jenn about what it was going to take to TRULY transform. She knew our intentions were only for good. For her, it was about changing her total mindset from “surviving” what happens to her in life, to FIGHTING for what she wants in life. She was so focused on the negative in her life, that it was costing her the joy of appreciating all of the wonderful things she was blessed with. Along with her therapists, we spent our entire year together focused on learning to fight back and have an “attitude of gratitude” for herself, her family, and the experiences that have made her a stronger woman. And after living her life as a victim for over three decades, that is EXACTLY what she did…fought back. And look at her now! In fact, she goes in for skin surgery today, so please send her prayers and good vibes for a speedy recovery. 🙂

Jenn’s transformation was easily one of the most powerful I’ve been a part of, and I could not be more proud of this incredible woman. She has come so far and has so much wisdom to share. Although you saw much of the deep emotional part of the journey, we had far more lighthearted times. I was thrilled when she agreed to do a fun little post-finale video to share with all of you. Check out her video below!

To see many other?Extreme Weight Loss?behind the scenes videos and all things Powell-related,?subscribe?to my?YouTube?channel?here.



EditedCollageJenn_Collage1Jenn_Collage3Connect with Jenn on her blog on social media here:


25 Responses

  1. Heidi,
    You both are amazing and ultimately leave me in tears at some point. This was a super show. How do I send Jen an email?
    I wanted to send something regarding her husband as a suggestion for his illness. I am an RN BSN.
    They both seem like amazing people as are both of you, but I think I already mentioned that.
    Thanks again for everything you do and all of the people (seen and unseen) that you help!
    Kind regards,

  2. Heidi…let me start by saying that I love love love the show. You are amazing and genuinely come across as the most caring and sincere woman. What an inspiration you are. I have worked @ the same gym that Chris used to work @ here in AZ and even took part in Chris’s Stax Systems when he first started that nutrition program. I was a fitness instructor and taught many classes. After a knee injury and discovering my husband was having an affair, not once but twice, I have put on 100lbs. I have two questions for you…. I.) I keep hearing about Carb Cycling, but not sure where to start with that or what exactly it is. Any tips? And 2.) where can I find that dress that Jen wore for her reveal? You guys are amazing…also, I would love to find out more about your boot camp that you will be holding in Az. Thank you in advance…

    1. Hi Jenn: Let’s get you some answers to those questions! 1) You can learn all about Chris and Heidi’s carb cycling in this post: 2) I’m so sorry, but I don’t have any information on Jenn’s dress from her finale. And watch for more details on the AZ boot camp. 🙂

  3. I have a silly question……I am watching the Jenn episode and in the breakdown session Heidi says to Jenn “you won’t get back up because you never let yourself get knocked down” This is so me…..I get the diet, I get the exercise, but where I struggle is the crap in my head. Do you have any recommended reading geared towards weight loss, self improvement and dealing with the mental part of all this? Thanks for any suggestions!

  4. I love watching these episodes. I was just wondering if I saw this correctly. At Jenn’s 9 months weigh in she didn’t hit the 40% goal so she wasn’t presented for skin surgery. But there was a flash I thought where it showed that in the end she did qualify? Did I see that right?

    1. Jenn did reach her 40% weight loss goal by the finale, and she actually went in for her surgery yesterday!

    2. What surgery did Jenn finally get to have? I was especially motivated by her bcd of her courage !

  5. My wife and I watch your show and all of them have been inspirational. I have Chris’ book. On the show, looks like the workouts are hours long. My question: after the show how long and often do the contestants workout to maintain their weight loss?

    1. Each contestant’s workout program is individually designed, to I don’t that information for you – I’m so sorry!

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