Every school year it?s the same story. In addition to being bogged down by endless school supply lists, back-to-school shopping, an exhausting re-boot of schedules, and extracurricular activities that won?t quit, comes the heavy burden of mom guilt. It sneaks up each fall and hits with enough earth-shattering force to send me weeping in bed all day with only my beloved Marshmallow Dream Bar to lend me comfort.
Why, oh why, does it seem like every other mom has hours to spend hand-carving bananas to look like dolphins for snack time and plenty of spare time to create insanely thoughtful teacher gifts with clever captions and perfectly-placed glitter? How is it possible that I?m the only mom that isn?t available for reading time every day, volunteer opportunities weekly, or organizing every over-the-top classroom holiday party? I can?t really be the only one checking the ?available to donate? box on the first day of school, so why does it feel like that?
It seems as if the community I live in is ruled by stay-at-home-moms. Working moms appear to be a rarity, and because of this, I am in constant battle with unnecessary feelings of inadequacies that what I am is not enough. Truly, I wish I was the type of mom who had the time to hand write notes in every lunch, or cut sandwiches to look like characters?but I don?t and likely never will. I have come to accept that I will never be a “Pinterest mom.” So this year, instead of feeling embarrassed and ashamed of the type of mom I am NOT, I am going to embrace and celebrate the Perfectly Imperfect mom I AM.
Maybe you are the perfect mom, and this blog doesn?t resonate with you one bit?but for those moms out there that do feel my thoughts of endless guilt to the core, please (I beg you) join me in my effort to NOT get caught up in the Stepford Wife mentality and give yourself permission to be the best mom you can be, whatever this may look like depending on your own individual circumstances. For some of us, that?s over the top craftiness and beautiful homemade lunches. For others, it’s barely having enough time to check over homework at the end of the night and setting out $2.50 on the counter for a school bought lunch. And guys? that?s okay! We are all Perfectly Imperfect, and MORE than enough. What is MOST important is that we are giving our all to ourselves and our families, and that we have good intentions in doing so.
This year, slap on your Perfectly Imperfect shirt, and proudly be who you are. Stay-at-home-mom, working mom, work from home mom, or anything in between. BE YOU. Be the best mom you can be and do NOT be sorry about it. We all have our faults, our small weaknesses, our downfalls, and I promise, no matter how put together and ?perfect? the woman next to you looks, she is looking back at you with the same feelings of insecurity. I assure you if you rush out of the door with last night?s makeup on in an effort to get your kids to school on time, or fail to prepare the cutest back-to-school craft, your children will still love you, and they will still be the smart, amazing kiddos you?ve raised them to be?Pinterest mom or not. So wear that Perfectly Imperfect tee loud and proud and be willing to say, ?I am the best mom I know how to be and THAT is enough.?
Now for the proof pictures that I am, indeed, no Pinterest mom (ha!). First up?Matix and Marley being dropped off for the first day of school?with Cash barefoot in his PJs. Not just any PJs?but mismatched PJs.
Now let?s take a little closer look at how Matix is dressed. Note that he is not matching, nor did I even attempt that fight at 6am. Not worth it. And no?I did NOT school shop for new clothes last year. We ran out of time, and my wallet didn?t think it was necessary.
Yes, Matix. Your parents do have an awesome son, with awesome style (according to you).
Last but not least?here is me. Wearing a workout outfit to the first day of school that YOU KNOW was not worked out in yet that day, but instead was the first thing I could grab to throw on as I rolled out of bed. I?m sure my twinsie friend was going through the same thing, whether she wants to admit it or not. 😉
I. Am. Perfectly Imperfect. It?s okay for you to be too. Join the movement, and get your shirt at Cents of Style by clicking HERE.
Related reading:
I Am (Still) Perfect
Perfectly Imperfect, The Series: Guest Blogger – Natalie Hodson!
Loving Who We Are + Friday Fave: Tribe Inspiration Bangles
14 Responses
I love this! I am also a full time working mom. our day also starts at 6 am out the door and back at 4:30 to rush through homework and then its off to sports. My kids have come to accept that they get lunchables, sandwiches, or eat school lunch. Occasionally I can do something from pinterest. Its ok if your kids dont have new clothes most of my kids clothes are bought from the di and clearance racks but they dont care its new to them and they still feel awesome. All you can do is the best you can do!
Hi Heidi. I love this. I too am a working mum to 3 and at times have felt guilty for not being a stay at home mum. I am PERFECT for me.
I appreciate this post Heidi. I’ve been going through this for years. It seems to be worse this year. I now have 2 in High School and 1 Middle schooler who are all actively involved in school activities. The school year hasn’t even started yet and my email is overflowing with volunteer request and help with this and that. I’m struggling just to get everyone where they need to be on time and making sure that we all eat at a decent hour. I can only do the best that I can and not let the pressure get to me. Your post helps more than you know. Thank you.
I live in the same area as you and I am a working mom. I completely feel the pressure and understand what you are talking about in this area. I don’t understand how they do it but I have heard my kids describe me to their teachers and friends and they think I am awesome and that’s all that matters to me.
I loved this Heidi! You are such an inspiration to a lot of people!
Love love love this. The ones who matter most-our wonderful, funny lovebugs, do not care one bit about these things. As long as they feel loved and secure and protected and part of a warm and loving family that’s all that matters-and will best propel them to be all they are meant to be with confidence and kindness and realistic expectations for themselves-and hopefully not too stressed out about it all! Love the Powells and Heidi I’m so thankful I discovered your blog when I did it has been life changing in the most poignant yet practical ways. ??????
Love this!!! I am a working stay at home mom…and I still can’t all of it done!!! Oh well ? I love that all 3 boys are healthy, happy and love Jesus!! My boys only see me “dressed up” on Sunday’s otherwise I’m in my workout clothes bc that’s what I do for a living and bc it’s comfortable??. Thank you for your blog and honesty!
Very well said Heidi, I love it!!
You have no idea how badly I needed this today! I read it with tears streaming down my face and finished with a sense of peace. THANK YOU!!! ?
Thank you Heidi,
It’s so nice to read a relatable Blog I can relate to being a mom of 2 beautiful Lil girls..I’m happy being a perfectly imperfect mommy.Im going to embrace our crazy mornings & not feel guilty for all the things I don’t do that I feel I’m expected to do .Love this blog .It’s refreshing to hear ..Cheers Heidi & thank you for all the positive articles/blogs