Fit in 9 Minutes: The Busy Woman’s Workout

With four kiddos and all of the activities that go along with those four kids, if transformation wasn?t our business, I’m not sure how we’d ever get to the gym. So trust me, I understand?you’re busy. But your hectic schedule can actually work to your advantage: You can slim down faster when you spend less time working out. Remember…I said to trust me! 😉

Short bursts of exercise trigger a release of hormones that help your body burn fat for hours after your workout is over. There’s just one small catch: The shorter the workout session, the more intense it has to be. So the key is to focus on exercises that work the largest muscles in your body?they require a lot of energy to move, which torches more calories. Start with this quick circuit three times a week (take a day off in between), and soon you’ll be stronger and leaner than ever!

How it works: This is what we call a stepladder circuit. Set a timer for 9 minutes and start by doing three reps of each move. Then run through the sequence again, this time doing each exercise six times, then nine times, and so on?keep adding three reps until the time runs out.


Lunges fire up those key muscle groups?your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. They also help improve your balance and coordination.

  1. Stand with your feet together and your hands on your hips (or on a chair in front of you for balance).
  2. Take a big step back with your right foot, gently touching your knee to the ground. Place your weight in your left heel and return to standing. Repeat on the other side for one rep.


You’ll feel this one most in your core and shoulders. Pick up the pace and you’ll notice a calorie-burning spike in your heart rate too!

  1. Start in a runner’s lunge, with your hands directly under your shoulders, your right leg stretched back, and your left knee tucked into your chest.
  2. Keeping your abs tight, jump and switch your legs in midair. As soon as your feet touch down, quickly do it again. That’s one rep. 


This powerful move targets every muscle in your body and will leave you huffing and puffing by the end. Pace yourself.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a set of dumbbells at shoulder height, palms facing in.
  2. Gently drop into a low squat, drawing your hips back and down until they sit just below your knees.
  3. Press through your heels and return to standing, forcefully driving the dumbbells overhead, elbows fully extended. Lower the dumbbells to shoulder height again to complete the rep.

Yep! That’s it. 3 moves, 9 minutes, done! You can now check “work out” off of your to-do list, which is seriously one of the most amazing feelings ever!


Related reading:

Top 10 At-Home Exercises for Total Body Toning
My Top 4 Fat-Blasting Cardio Workouts
How to Begin Your Transformation Journey ? Step by Step
Underarm Flab Frustration: The Gym Mistake That?s Keeping You From Sexy Arms
Build-A-Booty Workout Video with The Glute Goddess
Transformation Tip | 5 Minutes to Fight Fat and Get Fit

20 Responses

  1. I have been slowly cutting back on my workout routine so this will be a fun way to switch it up! Thank you for the new challenge!

  2. Love this! As a mom of a three year old and five month old, plus working full time and finding time in the day to spend with my husband, working out often is hard to fit in. But I sure can find 9 minutes to spare, plus my 3 year old will join in I’m sure!

  3. Love this! Mom of 5 kiddos, age 5-14 and on days I can’t make it to the gym, we can all go to the park and I’ll do this. Wonder if I can get the kids to join in??

  4. Love this simple yet effective workout!! I?ve learned that a short workout like this can boost my metabolism and even help my attitude for the remainder of the day! Thank you for all your inspiration Heidi!!!

  5. Love this!! Given I travel every week for work, these are great sets to add to my hotel room workout (and they don?t take long!! Woohoo!!???????) Thanks for being an amazing and real role model in mommyhood, business and fitness!

  6. Love this ! Who doesn’t need a 9 minute workout in this busy world ! Thank you Heidi for being so inspirational and real !

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