Ask Heidi Anything: How Do I Lose My Baby Pooch?

I don?t know of a mom out there that hasn’t worried about losing that baby pooch after pregnancy?myself included! Here I am to save the day!!! My tips, tricks and advice on how to best let those ab muscles come back together after baby, AND how to make sure we are focusing on two of the important parts to losing the pooch: patience and overall fat loss! Listen through to then end for my favorite SUPER easy exercises to do.

Want more core-burning exercises? Check these out:

Fabulous Abs in Just 5 Minutes

7 Responses

  1. Every mom has a different experience to share on the show. Even, I have a lot of experience in ‘How I handle’, my own baby’. The story is almost the same as every mom. Thank you for sharing good tips.

  2. Am really inspired by your show. My doctor said that based on my blood work, I was pre-diabetic. I decided I didn’t want to be that way, so I joined Weight Watchers in August and started walking outside and occasionally going to the gym. I have lost 20 lbs so far and am committed to getting down to my goal weight.

    I am 67 years old and noticing that I am already becoming “flabby” with loose skin. Since I cannot afford the surgery to correct this I am wondering if upper arms and thighs can be firmed up with exercise at my age.

  3. Love the tips! And I love working out to help relieve my stress as well for which I know can add to our belly woes! While I don’t believe in a quick fix I have stumbled upon a “crazy wrap” that helps motivate and helps me detox!

  4. I am 33 and have 4 beautiful children (the youngest is 3.5 years old) and I crossfit 3-4 times a week for the last two years. My body looks and feels amazing, except my abs…I suffer from a Diastis Recti that was “4 finger width” 2 years ago. I had a c-section with number 3 and VBAC’ed my 10 pound(!) baby number 4. I have done the exercises the Tuplar Technique recommends and I have gotten it down to a “1-1.5 finger width”…but have plateaued there for the last 5 months. I am so frustrated! I have come so far and I feel like I cannot make it over this last hurdle!
    Have you dealt with this before in clients and do you have any advice for someone struggling with the diastis? tips or tricks?

    thank you!!!
    Peoria, AZ

    p.s. my girls are named Delaney and Annika(pronounced like Hannukah without the “H”) both are beautiful strong names for your up-coming edition! 🙂

  5. Love this. Simple and good tips. I’m about 8 weeks postpartum and it’s definitely hard to see that pooch and still look pregnant. I’m going to use your tip about drawing in and am making sure to eat lots of whole foods to lose the weight and to aide in breastfeeding. Thanks for being an inspiration, I love your advice, example and love that you are so real and easy to relate to. 🙂

  6. You are awesome, Heidi! Thanks for the tips- I just had baby number 3 so this was perfect for me :). I also wanted to add that for the first few weeks after delivery, a postpartum wrap helps SO much! It not only helps your baby belly get back to ‘normal’ quicker, but it also decreases the intensity of the postpartum contractions (which seem to get worse with each pregnancy)! Good luck with baby number 4!!

  7. I love this video! My husband is a personal trainer and I’m super into nutrition. We’re both constantly telling people that you can’t spot lose weight and that nutrition is just as important as exercise when you want to look lean and toned! There’s so many people out there trying to sell quick-fixed – I’m happy to hear that your “quick-fix” is patience and dedication! 🙂

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