One Million Lives

I think I am more excited about this post than I have been of any in quite awhile. To be honest (and maybe TMI), things have been a little rocky over here for the Powell Pack. We have let the busyness of life get in the way of so much?most importantly our relationship. And we both notice it. I came across this gem of a video from two years ago at the perfect time. It reminds me of all the amazingness my husband is. It reminds me of his vision, his passion, his love, his compassion, and his contagious attitude. It reminds me why I am so lucky to call him mine.

This video was a surprise from me to Chris at a party we threw in 2012. Little did Chris know, I had a tattoo artist there ready to help him cross off some of his Roman numerals. Watch the video to see what I am talking about?

To date, Chris has crossed off only through 100,000. While I personally feel he has made a much bigger impact than this, I must know in the comments below who feels Chris deserves to cross off the 1,000,000, signifying One Million Lives positively impacted. Chris refuses to cross of the million until he has proof?let?s prove it to him!

297 Responses

  1. Chris and Heidi, you both inspire me everyday. Chris, I started watching you years ago when you helped David. I was lucky enough to meet you and our picture from that day is framed in my living room. I survived an abusive relationship and am now getting married to an amazing man! I am on a weightless journey myself now, to get back to the old me from before….and you will definitly be my inspiration and direction! (Especially since its freezing outside and i need some extra motivation!!) Sweating for the wedding 🙂 You rock, keep it up! Can’t wait until the show is back on!

  2. One more over here in cold Canada! And my daughter sure will benefit from it too!

    Inspirational family! Not just Chris! You too Heidi 🙂

  3. Well, you can certainly count me in that number. I had been overweight my entire life, and I finally decided to lose weight at the beginning of 2013. Finding the show really put an extra fire under me to work out even when I didn’t feel like it, push harder when I didn’t think I could, and eat to fuel my body. You both are such positive forces in the world. I’ve now lost 86 pounds and am at a healthy weight for the first time in my life, but following you both on facebook continues to motivate me to work toward being a fitter, stronger, faster version of myself. My parents have also gotten hooked on the show, and I share your posts with them occasionally. My mom even asked me the other day when the new season starts. =o) Thanks to both of you for the amazing work you do.

  4. Chris and Heidi, I started my journey 3 years ago. I have had lots of struggles but thanks to you guys it has helped me to push on. I have finally found a trainer that pushes me the way you would. She has also helped with the mental struggles you talk about. I am now down 80 pounds and have 25 to go. I don’t plan on ever going back. Thanks for keeping me going because when I need help I watch one of your shows I have recorded. Thanks for being so amazing. One day I hope to meet you!!

  5. 50 lbs lost and counting thanks to Chris and Heidi and some good old fashioned work. I plan to share what I’ve learned with anyone who will listen. The ripple effect you both are causing through your actions leads me to believe you’ve already positively impacted way more than 1 million people.

  6. Hey guys;
    You can add mine and my husbands names to the growing numbers! Losing weight is a battle royal physically but more importantly mentally. I absolutely hate cardio lol and struggle big time with it and when I feel like giving up I hear both your voices in my head pushing me and for that I thank you. To date (beginning in October 2014) my husband and I have lost a combined weight of 88 lbs 🙂 thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring and being an inspiration!

    Kimberlee (Newfoundland, Canada)

  7. I’ve Been watching the show since the very beginning and he has always inspired me! Just bought his book in July and am already down 33 lbs!

  8. Chris,
    Your show and social media pages are a constant motivation to get up and get moving! Your posts on Instagram of your wod are inspiring.
    What a beautiful video! You and your husband are so loved! I wish you both many years of love and happiness!

  9. 5 years ago, I lost 45 pounds and kept it off. I watch Chris’s show because the transformations inspire me to keep making positive health lifestyle changes in my life. I love Chris for his compassion and his kindness for his clients. I cry every episode. Chris is a beautiful human being inside and out.

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