Alright, if you’re reading this right now, it’s pretty likely you found your way over here via a snippet of the Powell Pack’s Target Halloween Extravaganza, and for that, I’m not sure if I should say “You’re welcome,” or “I’m sorry.” Oh boy, life with 4 kids and a husband always trying to steal the spotlight (I’m kidding, Chris!) can be quite the adventure. But the good news is we made it out of that shopping trip nearly unscathed, although I’m not sure I can say the same for that Target store or its patrons. Ha! Anyway, back to business!
With Halloween just around the corner, the questions about how to stay on track on one of the most gorge-worthy holidays of the season are flooding in! So to help keep you on the path to transformation success, I’m sharing my top 3 Halloween survival tips. It’s actually much easier than you think?it just takes a little planning and a smidge of self-control. For the full video, watch here…then check out the tips below!
Yes, we are quite the site to be seen at our local Target…oye. But anyway, to the tips…
Tip #1: Don’t buy candy yet! Guys, let’s be real with ourselves. It’s only the second week of October, and Halloween is still a few weeks away, so is there any reason to buy candy now?! NO! There is only one possible outcome to buying candy weeks before the actual holiday?you and your family eating it! I’ve heard the classic “But if I don’t buy it now, all the good candy will be gone!” and to that I say, “GOOD!”And that leads me to my next tip…
Tip #2: Do NOT buy candy YOU like! Hi, my name is Heidi Powell, and I am a Reese’s addict. Seriously, the combination of chocolate and peanut butter is so perfect it basically haunts my dreams. If there was a huge bag of it in my house, can you guess what would happen to it? I would eat it! I’m pretty sure passing out candy to trick-or-treaters would go a little something like?one for you, one for me, one for you, one for me. And before you know it, I would be 8 “fun size” Reese’s deep! So can you guess the one candy I refuse to buy?! You guessed it! Better yet, swap out buying candy for fun toys or healthy treats like snack packs of pretzels or popcorn instead.
Tip #3: Buy the candy from your kiddos (ie. dump it)! So the video may have only given two tips…but I decided to throw in a third from a few years back. A couple Halloweens ago, I (with Cash’s help!) revealed the Powell Pack’s secret to post-Halloween diet success. We buy the candy (ie. get rid of the candy) from them! Following the trick-or-treating fun, our kiddos get to eat as much or as little candy as they want. Then, the next day, we go through and count each piece of candy and award our kids with a few cents for each piece?essentially buying the candy back from them. Generally, it adds up to a few dollars for each kid. Then we head over to the dollar store and each child gets to run wild using their few dollars to toys or items of their choice. And guess what? They don’t miss the candy a bit! Last year, we even found an amazing organization that sends leftover Halloween candy to the troops overseas and they LOVED that. They even requested, on their own, to send their candy to the troops again this year. I’ll call that one a #momwin.
How do you cope with the candy overload?! Any tips or tricks I should know about? Share in the comments below!
Related reading:
Halloween Sweet Treats
Halloween Candy Workout: Family Style!
10 Minute Turkey Chili: Our Halloween Tradition
Powell Pack DIY Halloween Craft
Halloween Hangover
Halloween Candy?Which Chews to Choose this Year
10 Responses
Can you share the information to send candy to the troops??
Thank you so much for sharing, candy is my weakness and your tips make me a little bit stronger!
Great idea to buy candy you don?t like!! Thanks for the motivation and advice!! -Kali, Gilbert, AZ
I skip the candy all together and instead stock up on stickers, coloring books, cute pencils, etc from Target or a dollar store. The kids still get something fun, and anything left over I bring to my client?s kids as treats!
You guys are so much fun!!!! One Halloween tradition I do every year is let my kids eat as much candy as they can handle for 1 week and then Baggie the rest up and save for gingerbread houses at Christmas.
Love this video !!! You guys are so funny ! My fav!
What great advice Heidi!!! I?m going to try to buy back my grandkids candy!!! Love your blog!
I Would love to run into you Guys at target! Lol my family is a hot mess just like that, and i love them! Thanks for the tips. Maybe instead of $2 clings you can hand out little single serve bags of apple slices or carrots ?
Heidi, I am so thankful I found you!! I don’t watch much television programming. I am a Netflix binger, if I can find the time. When I get my Oxygen mag in the mail, I flip through quickly to see if anything catches my eye and then try to carve our some time for it later. I saw an ad for the Transform App and I was introduced to Heidi and Chris Powell for the first time ever!! Got the app, started this week and I have been sharing it with at least one person a day!
The app opened me up to your powerful presence in social media and I am now tapped in. Great blog! You had me at “donut” and then again at “Reeses.” Can’t wait to see where Transform takes me! Thanks for keeping it real!
I love your first tip #1 “make sure your hair looks perfect!” I love seeing you, your relationship with Chris and also relating to all the same insecurities. This is my year of growth after so much trauma has happened this year.
Hope to see you at the retreat!