It’s officially November and also officially the time of year when we all take a moment to reflect on the blessings in our lives. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s not uncommon for people to start saying little prayers of gratitude for everything they’re thankful for?me and this post included!
But lately I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude and how many of us usually approach it, and much like?our 12 Months of Transformation, I want to propose something new. When I sat down last year and started thinking about New Year’s Resolutions, I didn’t want to come up with a list of goals that I might not accomplish. Instead, I wanted to look at 2018 as an entire year of self-improvement. 12 whole months where I could work on being a better mom, a better wife, a better business woman…you name it. A way that I could really work on all of the things that would make me a better version of myself, and hopefully, offer you some inspiration in return.
Powell Pack Outfits (left to right): Marley’s Plaid Flannel Dress?| Chris’ Henley |??Ruby’s Dress | Heidi’s Jacket, Crew Neck Top, Madewell Jeans, and Booties?(similar budget friendly here) | Cash’s Woven Shirt (on sale)|?Matix’s Brooklyn T-Shirt
So this got me thinking…what if we looked at gratitude in the same way? It’s so dang easy to get caught up in LIFE. The never-ending to-do lists, the stress, the work, the busy hustle and bustle of raising a family, that sometimes it’s so easy to only see what’s right in front of us. I will raise my hand right now and stand before you and say that I am extremely guilty of this! But what if, just like our 12 Months of Transformation, instead of waiting for November to roll around every year to rattle off the list of things we’re grateful for, we made a conscious effort to do it EVERY month instead? Or every day? Stay with me, because this brings me straight to our next Transformation Topic!
Our 12 Month Transformation, Month Eleven: Gratitude
There are SO many things in my life I am grateful for that it would definitely take more than one blog post to list them all! My family, Chris, my children, my business, and the relationships I get to build with people just like you!…just to name a few. 😉 But thinking of the big things in our life that we’re grateful for is the easy part. I hate to admit that I don’t always take a moment to stop and think about all the other things.
Recognizing and truly appreciating our blessings and identifying the things that make us happy should be something that we’re doing?daily, not just every November! Think how we could drastically change our mindset if we were able to take thirty seconds every day and just reflect on those things we’re grateful for??And then instead of choosing to get caught up in our day-to-day stress, we make a conscious effort to embrace our normal chaos and look for all the ways in which we can find happiness?!
I truly believe that our perception is our reality. When we start our day worrying about everything that needs to get done, we’re setting our mind and body up for stress. But when we can start out with a deep breath and a positive reflection, we’re inviting nothing but good energy into our lives. I know it might sound crazy, but I honestly believe it’s true!
When we’re able to truly give thanks, each and every day, for all that we’ve been given and all the goals and dreams we’re working toward, I really believe the universe will reward us!?So today (and hopefully, every day!) I know I want to start focusing on ALL of the things I’m grateful for!
Think about it…What are the things that make you happy? These can be both big and small! Maybe it’s choosing to appreciate a really good cup of coffee in the morning, or finding zero traffic jams on your way into work. Maybe you find gratitude in celebrating those non-scale victories?you’re starting to see in your weight loss journey or in sharing a really great laugh with your best friend.
My point with this is that when we are able to be grateful for both the big and the small things in our lives, it will pave the road for us to find true contentment and happiness! And when we wake up every day with a grateful heart, it makes us that much more likely to want to spread that feeling on to others, and to also give back.
There are so many ways we can be grateful, and even more ways to show it to other people. Think again for a moment about those non-scale victories. I know the journey to a healthier lifestyle is not an easy one, but when we’re so caught up in the physical appearance and wanting to rush results, it gets easy to get lost in the process. But when we’re able to take a step back and truly appreciate our bodies for the amazing machines that they are? Our entire perception changes.
If there’s anything I want to be able to pass on to my kids (and trust me, there’s a lot!), I want them to always know how fiercely I love them and how happy this life has made me. Hopefully, in showing them?my grateful heart, it will show them how to appreciate all the many blessings they’ve been given and will also help teach them to spread that to others.
I know that no one’s life is perfect. I get that there is heartache, and sadness, and disappointment, and even failures. But when we’re able to look at all of those negative aspects of life and find the silver lining, to find a spark of hope and happiness from it, and to be?grateful for the experience and how we were able to grow from it, we’ve found the secret to true happiness.
Today I am grateful for the air in my lungs and the clothes on my back. I am grateful for the back-to-back meetings because it means I have a business that I love and an opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life. I am grateful for a team that understands me, and a husband who supports my crazy ideas. I am thankful that I get to throw on a silly costume, make pumpkin pancakes, and tell Halloween jokes to my kids in return for giggles and eye rolls. There are SO many things in this beautiful life that I am so dang thankful for. My commitment is to start identifying them just a little bit more.
Let’s take it just one more step further! Think about the last time you showed someone how grateful you felt. Maybe it was because of something they did for you or for how they made you feel. Did you tell them? Did you show them? It’s an easy thing to skip over for sure. But think of how you could have totally changed their day by taking a minute and letting them know just how much you appreciate them. A simple “thank you,” or even taking the time to hand write a little card, will go miles and miles. And in turn, maybe you will inspire them to do the same for someone else.
If I can encourage you to do anything this month, I hope that it’s finding the things you’re thankful for. Once you do, I hope that you’re also encouraged to pass it on. November 13th is World Kindness Day, so let’s make a commitment to each other right now that we’re going to honor November 13th and show kindness to someone else. Let’s take it up a notch and commit to not only showing kindness to others on November 13th, but as often as we possibly can. See the pattern? Let’s start this new trend together!
I want to hear from you! What’s one thing, big or small, that you’re grateful for today?
Related reading:
Our 12 Month Transformation, Month Two: Giving Love to Others
Kindness Transforms Lives
7 Steps to a Happier Home
My Biggest Mom Regrets + Time to Focus on Family
2 Responses
Le DVD a t il la langue fran?aise ? Car mon anglais n’est pas parfait. ?
Belle vie ? vous
Anne- Laure
I am grateful for Gods grace and unconditional love that helps me pass on the love and Joy in life to others!!!!! I’m also grateful for an amazing transform group to help keep things positive and that you guys are so real and genuinely loving!!! Thank you we all appreciate you and all the hard work!! <3