Busy Mom Water Jug & Couch Workout

The holidays may be coming to a close, but somehow my schedule hasn?t seemed to slow down one bit!! I?m sure many of you mamas are in the same boat, so I?m taking you back to the peaceful beaches of Hawaii where I squeezed in this total body burner. Here?s how it works…

For each of the following moves, perform THREE (3) ROUNDS of:
ONE (1) MINUTE of MAX REPS, followed by
**For single sided movements, do not rest between sides, ONLY after both sides are completed.

Movement list below!!!

1. COUCH HANDSTAND PUSH UP FROM KNEES: The ULTIMATE shoulder boulder builder! To make move more difficult, try using your toes as anchors on the couch. To make it easier, perform move with feet anchored to the ground, assuming a pike position.

2. BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT: Using water jugs as weights (filled with water to your weight lifting ability), make sure you are keeping your weight in your front heel when you perform this move, dipping as low as possible while maintaining form. When done correctly, you should feel this in your front leg glute and hamstring.

3. BICEP CURL TO ARNOLD PRESS: This complex movement targets biceps and deltoids, while challenging coordination and balance. If needed, lighten your load by dumping some of the water.

4. COUCH CRUNCHES: Ensure you?re drawing in and pressing your abs down and into your core when performing this move. It may take time to develop the balance and coordination to make this move appear seamless, but practice makes perfect! Scale down by allowing your feet to touch the ground between sets.

5. FEET ELEVATED HIP THRUSTS: Using a couch to elevate your feet, keep weight in heels and focus on slow and steady movement, fully extending your hips and squeezing at the top. This is the ULTIMATE movement pattern to train the glutes! THRUST IS A MUST!!

6. LATERAL DELT RAISES: Less is more with these when it comes to weight! Lighten the water load enough to ensure you?re able to isolate your shoulders and NOT recruit your back muscles to perform this movement. I LOVE this move for a good shoulder pump!

7. BENT OVER REAR DELT RAISES: Taking the same weight you used for the previous movement, simply bend over and go right into a set of these. Keep back flat, and pike at the waist. Paired with the previous move, it?s a one-two punch for those delts!

Give this workout a try, even if you only have a few minutes and a couple of jugs!!



Related reading:

My 10-Minute Anywhere Workout || Bodyweight Moves for Beginners and Advanced
Hawaiian Beach Bum Bodyweight Workout
A Lotta Tabata || 4-Minute Total Body Toning Workouts
Hotel Room Workout | My 5 Go-To Bodyweight Moves You Can Do Anywhere!
Fit in 9 Minutes: The Busy Woman?s Workout

2 Responses

  1. I have recently had surgery and any work out that involves pressure in the pelvic floor is out. So what can I do for my legs, butt, and abs?

    1. Hi Jodi: I’m so sorry to hear about your recent surgery. While you’re recovering, you might discuss with your healthcare team which exercises are appropriate while you’re healing, and hopefully, you’ll be able to get back to full activity (including your pelvic floor) soon! 🙂

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