Yes, you know you should exercise. But why is it so important to move your body on a regular basis? The answer to this question is pretty simple?exercise can transform your life in awesome ways!
Here are a few of the many benefits of regular exercise:
- Lowers rates of cancer, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
- Provides more oxygen to your organs, tissues, and muscles, giving you more energy for work, family, and personal activities.
- Cleans toxins out of your body, including your brain, which gives you more mental clarity.
- Makes your body stronger, leaner, and more muscular.
- Lowers rates of depression and other mental disorders.
- Makes you feel better.
- Delivers more nutrients to all the cells in your body.
- Revs up your metabolism so you burn even more calories throughout the day.
- Helps you lose weight and keep it off forever!
For Chris and me, our ultimate goal?and the driving force behind everything we do?is not just to help people lose weight. Yes, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is super important, but what we want more than anything is to help everyone become fit and stay fit?for life! To do this you not only need an amazing nutrition program?like the nutrition part of our carb cycling program, but an effective and realistic exercise program as well. You cannot truly transform your life without both!
The most important components of any exercise program are building and maintaining muscle (strength training) and burning calories (cardio). And we?ve got you covered there!
- In our book, Extreme Transformation, we teach you all about Metabolic Missions (strength training) and Accelerators (cardio).
- If you?ve been following our program in our book, Choose More, Lose More for Life, you?ll continue to do your 9-Minute Missions (strength training) and Shredders (cardio).
No matter which program you follow, both are designed to fit every lifestyle, every schedule, every fitness level, and every body, and they require minimal (if any) equipment. And I must say, both are pretty darn fun! 🙂
So are you convinced that regular exercise is important?and doable? Then let?s get moving!
49 Responses
Hi Chris and Heidi
I was wondering if you have ever worked with a overweight client with an auto Immune disease, like Lupus. I have had Lupus for 21 years, all MY DOCTORS SAY THE SAME THING, LOSE THE WEIGHT, IT BAD FOR YOUR BONES ETC… iVE tried to diet, its so hard to get motivated when there i so much going against me. I really want to lose the 60 lbs that I need to but i seem to fail everytime. I am depressed but have very little hope but my hope seems to keep wanting to do this before I cant.
Can you please give me some or help on how to get started and stay with it.
I envy your clients who get a one on one with you. You have blessed and given all of us hope. Thank you
Hi Cynthia: You can learn all about Chris and Heidi’s carb cycling program in this post:, and be sure and follow all the links within the post too. And please discuss this program, or any nutrition and exercise program, with your healthcare team first and then follow any modifications they might recommend. You can do this!
HI , i am setting in so much pain not being able to walk cant pick up even a cup of coffee i go to a knew doctor on dec 15th 2016 to get this pain taking care i saw a show on you tube you did where you had the girl walk around with the bag of cheeze puffs and i got to say that i did not know they had 1500 cals omg i told my boyfriend to pls not let me eat them again i am so adected to them
Which of the programs would facilitate a quicker weight loss? And, is there a specific carb cycle that you’d recommend for someone needing to lose 20 lbs and 60lbs? My husband and I would like to do a carb cycle together but would like to do the same one. For the 21 day extreme transformation, what are the typical weight loss results? And what are the typical results for the turbo? Last question ? do you recommend doing more exercising on top of what you suggest in the books? Thanks!
Hi Kelli: I’d start with the Extreme Cycle (, and it can work no matter how many pounds you’d like to lose. As far as typical results on any carb cycle, it’s difficult to say since people adhere to the program differently, have different beginning body compositions, and have different goals. We recommend a 10% weight loss goal for the first 90 days. As far as exercise, you can incorporate your own strength program if you’d like to, and Chris and Heidi recommend up to an hour of cardio a day (Monday-Saturday). Hope that helps – you both can do this! 🙂
Hi, my name is Lynn and I am 48 years old and weigh over 300lbs at 5’4 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and arthritis in both my knees an joints. My knees and legs are huge and always swollen. I have never been this big but I started having the weight when I was a teenager, I have 2 granddaughters whom I take care of. I have tried a lot of diets and don’t know what to do anymore I feel like I am just keep gaining and not losing. I am also pre diabetic. Please I am very desperate due to I am scare of having a heart attack or stroke due to my mom had heart problems and cancer and diabetes any suggestions will help Thank you
Hi Lynn: Thank you for your post! You can learn about Chris and Heidi’s carb cycling program in this post: And be sure and follow all the links within the post too, and discuss this program with your healthcare team first and then follow any modifications they might recommend for your health problems. You can do this! 🙂
I’ve just started carb cycling and I’m having a difficult time with the morning shapers/9 minute missions. I just really don’t want to do them in the morning. I normally get up at 5:15, shower, eat around 6 and go about my morning getting my kids ready and out the door by 6:45. To get in the 10-15 minutes of exercise and then shower and get the rest of my household out the door, I would have to get up at 4:45, therefore pushing my first meal really early and setting me up for really awkward eating times the rest of the day. I know they are only 9 minute exercises but realistically getting up, getting dressed, and getting warmed up is another 10 minutes beyond that.
Can it be just as effective to simply go to the gym in the afternoon and work out those muscle groups then? I’m much better at getting to the gym for 30-60 in the afternoon. Is there a blog or article where exercise alternatives/timing alternatives are discussed?
Hi Kelly: If you can’t fit in the 9MMs in the morning, then do them whenever works best for you. Chris and Heidi recommend you do them first thing so your metabolism gets a boost and then burns more calories throughout the day. Hope that helps! 🙂
Salve sono una ragazza di 37 anni sarei interessata a questa cosa se riuscite a contatarmi ne sarei felicissima
Hi Simona: (Convertite utilizzando Google Translate) Sei interessato a Chris e Heidi programma carb ciclismo – il loro programma di nutrizione e l’esercizio fisico completo? O semplicemente il loro programma di esercizio? ? possibile conoscere il loro programma completo in questo post: E si pu? trovare il loro programma di esercizio fisico nei loro libri: Vi auguriamo il meglio come si lavora per raggiungere i vostri obiettivi!
I need help! Do you offer personal 1 on 1 coaching?
Hi Annie: While Chris and Heidi truly wish they could personally help everyone, they’re not taking on clients at this time. However, you can use their carb cycling program – the same program they use on the show – to achieve your own transformation goals! You can learn about their program here: You can do this! 🙂
I have a torn Acl and inside and outside meniscus tears with surgery planned on June 8. Advice on exercise that doesn’t involve being on my feet, please!
Hi Mary: Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear about this! You should be able to do upper body exercises, and it would be a good idea to discuss any exercises with your healthcare team first and then follow their recommendations. I hope you heal quickly!
Hey Powell team! Do you work out on both high carb and low carb days?
Hi Sarah: Yes, we workout 5-6 days a week, depending on which cycle you’re following.
Hi, I am a 26 year old male 5 Feet 11 Inches, 206 lbs and I am trying to lose weight. I don’t have a lot of muscle on me and that is honestly from lack of moving, eating poorly, and DRINKING BEER!! I just started exercising 2 days ago. I’m completely committed to stop drinking beer and eating obvious terrible foods I have been consuming (Chips, Fast Food etc.) My problem/concern is nutrition. The past two days I’ve been eating: BREAKFAST- 2 Pan Fried Eggs in Olive Oil and a Banana – LUNCH- Spinach Salad with Onions, Carrots, Cucumber and a drizzled raspberry vinaigrette sauce, DINNER- Chicken Breast (Oven Baked) with Broccoli. If I get a craving for anything between those meals I have a few almonds. I know water is a big asset so I have been drinking a crazy amount of water these past few days as well. I have a pretty uncomfortable belly on me that I want to get rid of. My concern is, by following those meals and exercise, is that enough to lose the weight I want to get rid of this belly? Am I eating enough? Should I add more? What’s missing? I don’t have a lot of money to spend on other foods and I just want my life back to where I can put a shirt on and sit down without that uncomfortable belly sitting there. I have nearly zero endurance but I am working on that and I am pushing myself to walk further distances and jog in small intervals. Please a response to my inquiry would help me tremendously and greatly appreciated!
Hi Christopher: You can get lots of awesome nutrition information in this post: This post outlines the nutrition part of Chris and Heidi’s carb cycling program, and it’s awesome! Their program can teach you how, when, and what to eat to help you achieve your goals. You can do this!