Shape Up for Summer: My Babywearing Workout


I have a confession to make: I am soooo ready for summer. Even though we live in Arizona where the weather?s nice pretty much all year round, there?s just something about summertime…. And since the kids are out of school (Yay! No more homework!), we get to do stuff we can?t do at other times of the year and enjoy a more relaxed routine. I love it! However, when the kids are home all day, it gets even trickier to get those workouts in. Especially with a little one around. And summer = swimsuit season, which can add a wee bit of extra stress. 😉

So how can you get in a great workout, on limited time, with your baby, and shed those extra pounds STAT so you?re ready for summer sun ?n fun? Voila! My latest babywearing workout, which is perfect for older babies like Ruby. You can use the same Ergobaby Performance Carrier I raved about before, and besides that, all you need is your favorite little one. Can?t get simpler than that! If your baby is smaller than Ruby, no worries?simply modify the workout. And if you?ve got older kids around too, why not include them in your workout!

Before we get started, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Warm up before and cool down after by doing a few minutes of walking and light stretching.
  • Keep those ab muscles tight during all exercises for some awesome core and stability work.
  • If you need some help with balance or extra support, hold on to the back of a chair or bench.
  • Can?t quite get through the workout? Do what we do?we call it ?chipping.? When you can?t do any more, stop for a few seconds, shake it out, and keep going. Repeat as needed. It works!
  • Always, always, always follow your doctor?s recommendations.

Ready? Let?s go!

Complete as many rounds as safely possible in 30 minutes of the following exercises:

  • 5 park bench push-ups?CollagePushup1
  • 10 stable lunges?
  • 15 supported squats?*can be done on a bench if desired?
  • 1 fast-paced walk around the park?WalkingSmiling

NOTE: Safety first! If one round is all you feel it is safe to complete with your little one on your back, then finish out the remainder of the 30 minutes with a fast-paced walk around the park. Walking burns calories!! However, keep up the rounds as long as you are feeling you and baby are good and safe.

For a more advanced version, these moves can be done without support as well, as long as baby is safe:

  • Advanced lunge: Step out first to ensure stability, then bend into the lunge?
  • Advanced squat: Keep feet shoulder-width apart and weight on heels for max stability. Use your arms as a counter balance.?AdvancedSquat3

Besides helping me get in some amazing workouts, here are some other reasons I?m such a pro-babywearing workout momma:

  • Workouts can be done anywhere (inside and outside).
  • You get a natural resistance progression as baby grows.
  • You can do each workout all at once or throughout your day as you have a few free minutes.
  • Your little can help you get and stay fit.
  • Workouts are good for beginners to not-so-beginners?basically everyone.
  • You?re teaching your kiddos the importance of exercise and that working out is really fun!
  • And the best thing? Extra bonding time with your little one. 🙂


How do you use your carrier to get those workouts in? Share in the comments below? for your chance ?to win?one?Ergobaby Performance Carrier!!

Here’s what you need to do to enter:

  1. Comment below on how you use your baby carrier to workout.
  2. Share this post via one of my social media channels.
  3. Be sure to follow me and Ergobaby on as many of the following as possible:?Instagram,?Twitter, and?Facebook.

You? have until midnight on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, to enter, and the winner will be randomly chosen and announced on Thursday, April 30, 2015.



Missed my previous Ergobaby babywearing adventures? Check ?em out here:

Oh Baby! My Babywearing Workout
Oh Baby! My Babywearing Workout, Part 2: The Piggyback Park Workout
Oh Baby! My Babywearing Adventures Continue

And here are some other posts you might like:

No Time for Exercise?
Exercise…It?s A Family Affair!


745 Responses

  1. I just got a carrier and my 3 month old is liking it. We have only used it for basic walking. There’s a group in our area called hike it baby so I’m hoping to be able to get out with them soon.

  2. I would love this!! I’m going to be a first time mom this October and I plan on being as active as possible with my son (oh that still sounds so strange & awesome; I’m going to have a son!!). My husband has always been on the heavier side and since I’ve gotten pregnant he has suddenly started working out every single day and eating smaller portions (while I can’t stop eating). He’s more motivated than ever to get in shape to set a great example for our son and what better way to encourage that than to give him a way to work out while babywearing! Blame the pregnancy hormones, but I’m tearing up just picturing my husband babywearing…how adorable!!! We love you guys and support everything you do!

  3. I wear my 2 month old on my chest while I push my 18 month old in a stroller on walks!!! The extra weight I’m pushing and carrying makes a huge difference!! But I would LOVE an ergo carrier that I can use on my back and do that workout please!!

  4. I love doing yoga with my baby boy! It’s relaxing for both of us and carrying him gives me a little extra burn. Thank you for the added inspiration Heidi!

  5. The Ergo is a lifesaver! With a busy husband in dental school and living thousands of miles from family this carrier saved my life as a new mom. I am about to have my second this summer and it is my way to be able to get out and still enjoy all of the beautiful hikes here in Arizona. I used this grocery shopping, meal prep, anytime my (needy) baby desired to be held yet I needed my hands! I would love the sport performance version though! Mine is the generic and is not breathable in the desert heat! Thanks for these awesome workout suggestions! You are the best and such an inspiration as a mom!

  6. I’d love to win this ergobaby, it will allow me to finally have time to work out. I have not had time do to not having something like this. This will allow me to help my daughter see that mommy is trying. She only 18months. I have always been heavy and worked out everytime i could but since having her haven’t made the time.

  7. i love these workouts! My little guy giggles when I do squats with him on my back! I currently have a wrap that supports a smaller baby than my 24lb man. Can’t seem to keep him where I’d like and it’s killing my shoulders! With a new wrap I could get motivated to wear him some more and get moving to lose some of this jiggle!! 😉

  8. Love all these great ideas for working out with baby! I never owned a baby carrier with my first daughter who’s now 2 now I’m due in 5 weeks with my second daughter. I really need to get back to a healthy weight and get back to exercising as I’m at an unhealthy weight right now. I would love an opportunity to workout with my girls especially using a carrier like this. I’ve heard how amazing these carriers. I’ve been wanting one ever since I had my first baby! Hoping to be able to take these great ideas and put them to use! Thank you Heidi for all the inspiring blog posts!

  9. i would love to win this carrier. I have a 5 month old daughter and lately I’ve been using a carrier to go on walks with her. That’s about the only way I can get a workout in. She likes to be held and carried all the time!

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