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By opting in for one of my programs, you may receive occasional emails about news, events, and offers. You can opt out at anytime.
9 Responses
Hi Heidi have you ever thought of doing a smaller weight loss for somebody needs to lose 50 to 70 pounds? I’m really struggling and I have been for a long time it would be great to have 3 months with you. I do you have a story to tell will you be part of it?
Hi Janet: Heidi’s not taking on clients right now, but her and Chris’ carb cycling program – the same program they use on the shoe – can work no matter how many pounds you want to lose! Check out their carb cycling program in their book, “Choose More, Lose More for Life.” The book contains their complete nutrition and exercise program, and it will teach you everything you need to know and do to achieve your own transformation! Learn all about it here: You can do this!
Hi Heidi, I’m on weight watchers and so far I’ve lost 21 pounds!! I wish I could meet you and Chris! I used to live in Denver and I loved it but I had to move home because I couldn’t find work but I visited anshulz center and I loved it!!! Maybe I’ll do the Colorado diet or ur diet!!
Hi Meg: Congrats on those 21 pounds gone – that’s awesome! If you’re interested in Heidi and Chris’ carb cycling program, you can find it in their book, “Choose More, Lose More for Life.” And you can get info on the basics here: You got this!
thanks Heidi..,.yoy know how it is. With kids you gotta stay up. No down time with them. Between football lacroose MMA there is no rest for this lady!
Cheers and always the best!
Say something positive……I am still walking. Got news yesterday that I will soon need another fusion on my spine. First lumbar now thoracic and I have no idea how I will come out on the other side for workouts. After the lumbar fusion it took months to get back in the gym. Now every workout comes with more pain. But each day the sun does come up and things could be worse. But in my world having no thyroid and not working out only means weight gain so I hope that each day I stay on track and eat clean and be ready for the next stage in my spinal surgery path!
Cheers…keep up the great work
Oh no! I hope everything goes well with your fusion. You have an amazing attitude – and just take each new day at a time. All of us at Team Powell wish you the best! You got this!
Hola Soy Katty Y Vivo En COLOMBIA Tengo 17 A?os Y Peso 100kl Pero favor Me Pueden Ayudar Por Favor Me Gustar?a Ser Alguien En La Vida Pero Si Sigo Asi La Verdad Lo Dudo Les Agradeceria Si Responden En Una Mes Cumplo 18 Por Favor Por Favor Por Favor Sii Y No Tengo Plata Jajjajjaj Chao GRACIAS…
(Traducido utilizando Google Translate). Hola Katty: Es tan dif?cil ser un adolescente en estos d?as! Usted est? constantemente bombardeados con im?genes y consejos sobre c?mo y qu? debe hacer y ser, y parece, y la mayor?a son muy poco realista. Heidi se ha ocupado de los adolescentes y tema de la imagen corporal en este post incre?ble en su blog: En este post, que ofrece un mont?n de sugerencias ?tiles tanto para los adolescentes y los que tienen los adolescentes en sus vidas, y espero que usted puede encontrar algunas ideas que le ayudar?n a desarrollar h?bitos saludables que le beneficiar?n toda su vida! Y por favor, discutir sus preocupaciones relacionadas con la salud con un padre o un adulto cerca de usted – un sistema de apoyo puede ser un recurso tan impresionante como que est? trabajando para lograr sus metas de salud y fitness.
Aqu? hay otra cosa que pueda ayudar en su viaje para llegar y mantenerse saludable: Una herramienta impresionante Chris y Heidi utilizan con cada cliente es hacer y mantener un peque?o, simple promesa a s? mismo todos los d?as. Esto es realmente una clave para alcanzar cualquier meta! Aprenda sobre el proceso aqu?: ?Cu?l ser? su primera promesa ser hoy? Hacer y mantener que uno, a continuaci?n, hacer y mantener una ma?ana, y as? sucesivamente. Funciona! Espero que esto ayude, y deseo lo mejor, y vamos a estar animando usted en que usted trabaja para alcanzar sus metas! Puedes hacerlo!