Five years with you. On one hand, these 5 years seem like the longest 5 years of my life, no offense. This is ONLY meant in the best way. I always joke that our marriage is like that of a dog’s life, in that each one year equates to seven. And with all that we have accomplished, explored, created, built, endured, battled, and conquered together over the last 5 year, I think it’s safe to say we have done the equivalent of 35 years’ worth of loving, fighting, laughing, crying, and bonding. Despite some pretty low lows we’ve experienced together (where, let’s be honest, I didn’t deserve your kindness and love), life is beautiful with you. I am beyond grateful for each of these “35 years” I’ve gotten to spend with you.
Now, on the other hand, these 5 years have just gone by in the blink of an eye. Where on earth did those years go? Just like that, we have 2 documentaries under our belt, 5 seasons of Extreme Weight Loss, almost 3 books, 2 DVDs, a few additional fitness certifications, an appearance or two (maybe more) on a few news/talk shows, some magazine features, 3 different condos/homes lived in (starting with a small room in my parents’ house), a billion and a half memories, and most importantly…2 more sweet babies, equaling 4 total, to complete the 6-Pack.
I swear, it seems like yesterday that you and I were both sitting in that self-improvement seminar. You, striving to find your footing in life as a struggling trainer having just moved out of your car. Me, a newly single mother of two experiencing one heck of an identity crisis and trying to find nutritional balance after years battling an eating disorder. We found each other at the lowest points in both of our lives, and we were raw, vulnerable, authentic…and dare I say, courageous. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. As Rascal Flatts brilliantly said, God definitely “blessed the broken road that lead me straight to you…”
I love you, Babe! Happy Anniversary!!!!
Now to all of you…thanks for bearing through the mush. The story of how we met, straight from our very own mouths :).
For more Powell Pack videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel here!
22 Responses
I can relate to your life since my husband and I are a blended family of 6 and we will celebrate our 5th anniversary year! It is inspiring knowing where you and Chris came from and where you are now. I was a single mom for 2 years and God gave me strength during that difficult time , but I grew spiritually and emotionally during that time and became a stronger woman because of it!
Heidi and Chris, I am so happy you found each other. Chris I’ve known you before all this…. I am thrilled that you have found “the one”. You deserve it! You have always been an upstanding, caring individual! I’m happy you found a good, successful path with a seemingly great woman. Amazing how our lives have changed from over 10 years ago!!! I also found my soul mate!!! Congrats!!!
Loved the video! I’m in AZ and I want to buy that couch, Where is it from?
What a great story of your beginnings…You touched upon something similar in my life and how my husband and I began our relationship journey during a very dark and low time in both our lives. We will be celebrating our “first” wedding anniversary on September 13th and wish you both many many more. You have a beautiful family and are both very inspirational. Keep it going!!
Happy Anniversary to you both!!!! I’m a huge fan of you both and enjoy your blog so much. I’m a dance teacher and mom of 2 so I’m always looking to improve myself & health. Thanks for sharing!
Have a blessed day! ??
Happy anniversary you two! Thank you for sharing your story an not sugar coating it!! Nice to know you are both very down to earth.
Loved the story… but where is the wedding day picture?
Here you go: 🙂
Aww… I love it! I really love that it was casual. .. my husband and I did casual (a $500 wedding in Vegas lol).
That sounds like a Landmark course. Cute story. You guys are so inspirational.