A Very Merry Powell Pack Christmas Tree


It’s true. Last year, we kept our tree up into the new year?and then some! With the holiday season feeling so busy, it sometimes feels like the the moment the turkey hits the Thanksgiving table, the gift giving lists are already in hand. Suddenly, the elf is on the shelf, and it?s Christmas time! So why not savor it a little, right? There are always holiday classics, like stockings (ON SALE for $14) hung by the chimney and getting the tree up that make the house feel magical. We?ve been pulling out all of our decorations, adding tiny holiday touches that make it really feel like Christmas, and since I get a lot of questions about my holiday decorations, I thought I?d put together a few of my favorite pieces to share that holiday spirit from our house to yours!

Outfit Details: Ruby’s Dress (Bonus: $20) and shoes, Roberto Cavalli Jumpsuit (similar here), Jimmy Choo Shoes (similar here and here)

Here’s how we’re decorating the tree:

Here’s how we’re decking the halls (and the mantle):

What are your favorite holiday decorations? Please share below, and happy holidays!



Related reading:

Santa vs. Heidi: May the Strongest Competitor Win!
Ask the Powells: How Do We Handle the Holidays?
Christmas Morning Cooking // 1-Minute Breakfast in a Mug
Kids Say the Darndest Things: A Powell Pack Thanksgiving
My Top Ten Tips for Holiday Survival
Naughty or Nice: Cash?s Christmas List!

20 Responses

  1. My favorite decorations are my tree ornaments that my two daughters made for me when they were little, and now my granddaughter, Emmaleigh, who is 8 is now making ornaments for me to hang own my tree. It all takes me back to when Santa came to out house and my daughter we little again.

  2. Our favorite decorations on the tree are the ones the girls made at school those early years and the personalized ones we get of our family every year. They have everyone?s names on them and the year.

  3. My favorite is anything with sparkles and glitter and all of the Christmas lights 🙂 It’s my favorite time of year

  4. One of my favorites is the lights on the tree , how they glow when the tree is the only lights on in the room.

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