It’s been a while since we’ve done a Perfectly Imperfect post…with the TRANSFORM app launch so close, juggling 4 kiddos, and business as usual, time just hasn’t permitted all of the posts I would love to share! But when I started getting to know this absolutely STUNNING friend of mine and learned all about her jaw-dropping transformation and personal struggles in accepting her imperfection, I knew I HAD to share her brightness with you all. Guys and gals…I’m telling you, she’s so naturally gorgeous before AND after, and she has kindness and authenticity that literally shines through in her pics and in her writing. Get ready…
As you may know, this Perfectly Imperfect movement is so near and dear to my heart. As I prepped for this post, I read through past comments and emails and was once again inspired and truly touched by all of your journeys. When I kicked off this series, I never expected such an overwhelming response!!!! I am honored to continue this series with Sarah’s journey… embracing her flaws and sharing what Perfectly Imperfect means. I?m sure you will be as touched as I am by her story and Perfectly Imperfect life.
by Sarah Nicole
When it comes to perfection, I?m the ultimate struggler. It?s taken me a long time to let go of hiding my imperfections and to not just embrace them, but to celebrate them.
My body has been through a lot. Overweight from teen years into adulthood, then 3 pregnancies and 3 babies born, all by the time I was 25. Before I knew it, I was sitting at a size 18 and 225lbs. Blargh. The numbers don?t matter, although they help paint the picture of this story. They just don?t define the biggest part?that I was not in love with myself. In fact, I might even have loathed myself.
During all of that self-loathing and after deciding that I needed to change, I began believing that if I did enough, and reached a size or image, THEN I would find happiness and satisfaction. I would be perfect, and that would reflect from the inside out.
Fast forward a couple of years and 100lbs gone, and I was straight giddy about those facts. But I would still stand in the mirror, seeing and feeling the same feelings of self-loathing and frustration. Why? I hate this, I hate that, why doesn?t my body look like hers? Why does my sister not have stomach stretch marks, and mine go up to my ribs? Maybe if I work out more, maybe this, maybe that?
About a year and a half ago, my picturesque ?perfect? life was falling apart at the seams. I had to let go of the image and what I projected outwardly and choose JOY inwardly in a time of personal (massive) life change. I couldn?t keep the perfect act up, and I had to admit to myself and the world that I, too, was broken.
So, I chose to love myself.
Yes, I chose it. It didn?t happen by chance or feeling. It was a conscious choice.
With this, everything changed.
I was no longer chasing an image or a size, a feeling or a goal. I was choosing to be true to myself, my love for my body, my children, and my lifestyle, and treat it all as such. With love. I stopped the war between me and my body and began to appreciate all of the amazing things my body was accomplishing.
My body truly has done incredible things. Things that brought humans into the world and left me with scars to remind me of their time growing in my body. I have lost 100lbs, and I?m now healthy, reversing many health issues I had in the past. No amount of jiggly or loose skin or deflated boobs could ruin that for me.
Life is a journey. If it were perfect, it?d be boring. The words ?Perfectly Imperfect? define me at the core. I?m not perfect, and I love what my scars and imperfections say about me, and ultimately, the stories they tell.
Follow Sarah’s story on her blog and on Instagram!
Want to join the Perfectly Imperfect movement?! You can grab a shirt by clicking here (use code PERFECTLY3, making the white style and design only $11.95, before it goes out of stock for good) or the new Raglan Tee (so cute! Using the above code, it comes in at $17.95). Now you can also snag a Perfectly Imperfect Affirmation Bracelet to complete the look?click here.
Related reading:
I am (still) Perfect?
Perfectly Imperfect, The Series: Guest Blogger ? Natalie Hodson!
Kacey Luvi Is Perfectly Imperfect!
A Perfectly Imperfect Working Mom | Janey Kaspari
Perfectly Imperfect Series // with IFBB Bikini Pro, Cori Baker
16 Responses
I would love to say something nice .
Since I signed up on Saturday may 21 , paid the required fee , I didn’t get any directions how to navigate the program .
All I get is a plan and some recipes .
It doesn’t explain the different programs
There is no place for questions .
I would love to say something , but it wouldn’t be so nice!!!!!
I’m so sorry for these issues! You should’ve had some tutorial videos pop up on your screen when you signed up, but if you’ll go to the Me page, then click on “Help Me,” the next screen will have several tutorials to help you learn how to navigate the app. You can also ask any questions on the app’s social media pages or through app support: [email protected]. 🙂
Curious about the discount code, I entered it and the company doesn’t recognize the code. Is it no longer valid? Thank you!
I tried today (3-22-17) and it didn’t work either. Maybe it expired??
Hi Susie: The discount code has expired. I’m so sorry! We do have discount codes from time to time, so please keep an eye on Heidi’s social media channels. 🙂
Just a basic food question. Consuming milk which is better for carb cycling. Almond milk with 1g protein or regular milk with 8g protein. I know that regular milk has more carbs but would I rather have the more carbs/protein from milk or less carbs/protein from almond milk
Hi Abbey: Chris and Heidi recommend unsweetened almond milk, and get your protein from other protein sources. 🙂
Just went to the online store to purchase the awesome shirt and sizes S M L XL are all sold out! 🙁
Hi Monika: Which version of the shirt were you ordering? The white one is in limited quantities, and once it’s gone, it’s gone. If you were trying to order the gray baseball T, I can check on the availability. Thank you for your patience!
Wow!! Such a beautiful inspiration. I have been struggling with my weight, thyroid disease, and type two diabetes for years. I recently hired a dietitian & joined a gym and have lost 20 pounds so far. I’ve been on a plateau for the last 4 1/2 weeks? Not for lack of motivation and application. I am a mom of five and also have loads of stretch marks.
Your story is a great reminder to love my body and fall in love with the journey. Just this morning I was looking in the mirror mourning the loss of my feminine breasts and choosing to love my body and ask it to keep going. Thank you for sharing!
As someone who lost 70 lbs and has the stretch marks and loose skin and works tirelessly to make her booty tighter and hates that her perfectly flat belly is imperfect when she sits and mourns the loss of her former E cup boobs, I understand and I too at times forget to be greatfull for the shed weight the improved quality of life and love the body I’ve created. Thank you for sharing and reminding me to love my imperfections .
Ironically, this clip was just what I needed to hear. I have struggled with my body (when I was much heavier and even when I was much lighter). I wasn’t happy. I need to focus more on what my body is capable of, rather than dwell on what it cannot accomplish currently. Progress and persistence over perfection.
So inspiring, Sarah Nicole! Thank you for sharing your amazing story. I would love to learn how you achieved your weight loss goal and how to self love. I am so happy I found your story on here. I have the SAME goals.
In the clip, she lists a blog or instagram. Can you share a link to it?
@thebirdspapaya on IG and the blog is
Awesome Sarah Nicole!