Monday Motivation: Exercise Because You Love Your Body, Not Because You Hate It

How often, amidst loving and appreciating others, do you forget to love and appreciate the most important person in the world: Yourself??

While it may seem like I have it all together, I promise that seeming and doing are two different things. It’s in this seeming that we find ourselves focusing on others and not on ourselves…because we WANT what they “seem” to have! Diverting attention OFF of what we know we struggle to love (ourselves), ON TO what we feel will help us find love (others). It’s a desperate search for the person or the thing or the action or the accomplishment that will?finally lead us to that seemingly imaginary place of?self love.?Usually that “searching” though others is just endless scrolling through Instagram…am I right? lol. And with every scroll our sense of self slowly (and sometimes rapidly) diminishes.

So we get all of this advice from people like me…telling us, “Oh just FOCUS on you, and you will love yourself.”

I get it though…all you can think is, “yeah right” (side smirk). Number one, because where am I going to find time to focus on me? And two: Inwardly, it can innately feel selfish to hit the pause button for a minute and spend time loving and appreciating yourself. BUT this thing is, guys, when done properly (and consistently!)…when we actually take time to BE beneficially selfish?we are able to do what it takes to transform into the best version of ourselves possible. Consequently, we can be someone who can finally give love to others because now you understand the most important kind of love…the one to yourself.

Outfit Details: Lululemon Leggings (similar here?and budget friendly here), Lululemon Lace Up Bra (similar here?under $35), Reebok Sneakers

While my motivation for daily self-love?comes in many forms (think Ruby and the red lipstick, the rest of my family that brings me so much joy, and my career that literally fills my cup daily), my motivation is also very much about fitness. It has taught me to love myself and realize how strong I am and can be both physically and mentally. It has taught me that I can do hard things!?It has taught me that I only fail when I choose to quit. Even more importantly, it has taught me that?my body is my temple. Treat it kindly and it will treat?you kindly too.

It’s far too easy to TRY to workout in an effort to love yourself. Like we wake up early, go to the gym, struggle to eat right, drink our water, blah blah blah…?sadly?because we really don’t love?ourselves, and we think achieving our dream body will make it all better.

No my friends, that’s not how it works. if you don’t love yourself now, you will not love yourself at your goal. Period. End of story.

So for once, I challenge you to STOP going to the gym and reaching for your goals in an effort to love yourself, and instead go to the gym, eat right, and live healthy?because you love yourself.?

It’s time we STOP judging ourselves and START loving ourselves.

One thing I see often, and have even struggled with myself is this: Along our own very personal journey, we oftentimes are so stuck on the incredible before and after photos we see on instagram…so much so that we completely FORGET about our own progress. We spend hours appreciating and celebrating them, yet?we fall short in appreciating ourselves and our own progress. Cue the downward spiral of shame and unworthiness…

My maybe-preachy yet honest opinion is that we could all afford to?step away from your social media (or whatever media you consume) for a week, or even a day…or just an hour! We could use a detox! Take a beat to look around and experience life, and to focus on yourself for just a minute. Practice being thankful for you and what you’ve accomplished. Make a mental list of the things you did well today. It can be as simple as, “I took ten deep breaths when my kids were driving me nuts, and spent some time just trying to enjoy the organized chaos happening behind my bedroom doors I’ve shut myself behind.” Ha! Really it could be that you got up, you showered, you did your make up, you made your kids lunches. LIFE IS HARD! Celebrate and victory you’ve had…big or small!



I am the first to say though that we can’t always just shut it off. Social media oftentimes feels like it controls me too, and while there is SO MUCH GOOD to it (like connecting with you!), it can unfortunately feel like a necessary evil at times. Creating?balance is the goal, but is not always easy. It’s hard NOT to get caught up chasing compliments, likes, and comparing ourselves to others. But the truth is that it’s a CHOICE on how much importance we give to that darn platform! We choose whether we allow social media to?DE-value who we are, or ADD value to our?worthy selves. Remember: YOU ARE VALUABLE…and you bring value to everything you touch.

For Motivation Monday: Motivate yourself by appreciating yourself for wherever you are in your journey…RIGHT NOW! Share below!



Related reading:

My Top 5 Ways to Fall In LOVE With Your Body
Our 12 Month Transformation, Month One: Self-Love!
Love Who You Are
Heidi?s Daily Hugs || 12 Ways to Treat Yourself without Breaking Your Diet!
Our 12 Month Transformation, Month Five: The Power of Being a Woman

3 Responses

  1. Be beneficially selfish, I love how you word this!! It’s not just about self care or being selfish, but about doing things that benefit you as well. Very thought provoking!

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