![Screen Shot 2019-09-24 at 2.39.29 PM](https://heidipowell.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Screen-Shot-2019-09-24-at-2.39.29-PM.png)
Three time’s the charm right? Well, here’s my update on my third?yes, you read that right, THIRD? torn ACL. If you follow me on YouTube or Instagram, you’ve probably seen or heard me talking about my recent injury.
When they say that difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations, this knee surgery and recovery has been just that. There are so many twists turns, bumps, bruises, and apparently, torn ACLs along the road, but it’s what happens along the way and how we approach those challenges that will lead us to our destinations. What I’ve realized is that I need to take my own advice a little bit more, especially when it comes to understanding that…
- It’s ok to ask for help
- Injuries suck, but #noexcuses
Follow along as I give you an inside, update-by-update look at my ACL injury. And remember, as frustrating as injuries are, they don’t define you. They are temporary. Sooner than later, you’ll be at that beautiful destination, strong than ever!
Update I: Injuries Suck
I’ll be honest, I actually feel guilty when I need help, but I’m learning and trying to take my own advice. Needing help and asking for help is NOTHING to be sorry about. Another thing that has been on my mind lately, and it’s something Chris and I often talk about, is the fact that everyone faces challenges?big and small, and while it’s ok to ask for help, you shouldn’t let those challenges derail your transformation! #noexcuses
Click here to read more about why injuries are not excuses.
Update II: Workout with a Knee Injury
This was my first workout after finding out that, yes, I did tear my ACL. There are so many things that can cause you to stumble on your transformation journey, and I want you to know that while everyone has their own limitations, it IS possible to still work out with an injury as long as you take a few things into consideration!
The important stuff to keep in mind:
- ALWAYS check with your doctor prior to your first workout! I can’t emphasize that enough!
- The second you feel any instability, STOP!
- The second you feel any pain, STOP! When you?re injured, it?s SO important that you keep that area and the surrounding muscles tight and stable. Otherwise, you?re opening the door for a world of hurt and a potentially longer recovery time.
Watch and learn how to modify the following moves with a knee injury:
- Single Legged Romanian Deadlifts
- Bulgarian Split Squats
- Hip Thrusts
- Reverse Hypers
- Glute Kickbacks
- Abductors
Watch the video, but then before beginning any mid-injury workout routine, talk to your doc to make sure everything you do is approved and SAFE! It?s more important to take care of yourself and your injury than it is to grow those muscles right now!
Update III: Late Night, Night-Before-ACL Reconstruction Surgery Ramblings
You may have seen my ghostly-white, battered and bruised, muscle-atrophied, and let’s be honest, hairy-legged knee on Instagram. But before I get fully into post-op life, I’m sharing my fears about aging and falling into unhealthy habits as well as some insights into my recovery and how I plan to navigate this temporary change in my life.
I said it before, injuries suck, but what this has taught me is it’s ok to take a minute to fill the tank back up. Sometimes it takes an injury to remind us and inspire us. OR maybe it’s just the pent up energy…but I’m ready to? ??. After all, it?s always an adventure. What have your greatest bumps in the road taught you along the way?
Related reading:
7 Workout Moves You?re Doing Wrong
10 Foam Rolling Exercises, Stretches, and Mobility Movements
Injuries Are Not Excuses!
How I Manage My (Im)Perfectly Balanced Life
Relieve Achy Knees with These 3 Simple Moves
One Response
You go girl! Seriously though, 1st, it is OK to let Chris wear the the Super Mom cape a little- lets him and the kiddos know what you do in a so real way. 2nd, age is a number and only counts for social security. Check this athlete: [https://komonews.com/news/local/92-year-old-rockette-still-kicking-it-on-the-dance-floor]. The article is 5 years old but still relevant. 3rd, you’re still my inspiration -injury is no excuse.
I will get back in ‘transformation mode’, modifying exercises as I can to follow doc’s instructions.
Thanks for being so real.