It’s not so secret that not all?of these blonde locks are mine. Since I?ve outed myself (and also recently wrote about my hair loss journey in Women’s Health), I?ve received many questions about my extensions?how I wear them, how I conceal them, and general hair health. After all of the excitement from this past week’s photo shoot for our next journey?our life-changing app?and thanks to Chrissy?(who killed it with?all of the photo shoot hair looks), I wanted to share a list of my hair care favorites, my hair loss story, plus some behind-the-scenes photos from our Transform App shoot.
Why such premature hair loss? Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with too-low calories (as many have guessed). I’ve been cycling between 2200-2600 calories for nearly 2 years now. That’s def not the problem. My sweet friend, Carly, at the National Hair Loss Association, enlightened me on the subject. Apparently, all of the stress I’ve encountered over the last 5 years (my dad’s death, pregnancy and childbirth, 4 kidney surgeries, umbilical hernia surgery, and sleepless nights in general as a really busy working mom) have, in essence, kick-started me into my not-so-lucky genetic destiny.
NOTE: If you are noticing SHEDDING, you are not going bald! This is just your hair going through the natural stages. We shed nearly 100 hairs a day! You know you need to worry when you notice your hairs shriveling up and “dying”?getting finer, thinner, and more brittle. If you notice it in the midline part, front sides of your hair, and the crown, these are signs of Androgenetic Alopecia. Here’s a look at one of my before and after photos during this work in progress.
While there isn’t a way (at this time, at least) to REGROW my hair that’s been lost, there are tools to help stop hair loss dead in its tracks. And there are ways to cover it while the damage is being repaired. Here are a few of the tools I am using:
- Capillus 272 Laser Cap: It’s beaming lasers into my scalp as I type this! #NoShame The medical-grade lasers are supposed to dilate the shriveled up “anorexic” vessels in my scalp to make them obese again! The one time obesity is a good thing. 😉 Apparently, over time, those vessels that once fed my hair follicles are now smaller and further away from the surface of my head…making it much tougher for the hair follicle to receive nutrition. With the lasers essentially FORCING my vessels open, my hairs can finally be fed again! I use this 4 nights a week, 30 minutes each session…RELIGIOUSLY. (And here’s a less expensive option too!).
- Monat Revive Shampoo and Monat Revitalize Conditioner: This sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner combo is loaded with the right ingredients to treat your “weak” scalp and volumize your hair. I use these products on my real hair, then Inphenom Hair Treatment Shampoo and Conditioner on my extensions every time I wash. It’s much thicker, heavier, and more nourishing for the natural beaded rows.
- Monat Intense Repair Treatment: This spray-in treatment?has a cocktail of peptides and essential oils that are supposed to stimulate the scalp and encourage growth. I use this at night before bed or right before the laser cap.
- Anuva Scalp Vitalizing Complex: These are liquid vitamins that I use right after I wash my hair. To be honest, I don’t know how effective it is, but I figure it can’t hurt at this point, and I might as well add it to the line up of products!
- Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections: In short, PRP is where they draw your blood, spin it, and inject just the platelet-rich plasma back into the affected areas. Many people with injuries have this done to help heal the affected areas quickly. We are trying to heal and bring attention to my scalp. It’s basically a nice little boost, but it’s only effective when combined with the laser treatment above on a regular basis.?I have NOT done this yet, but I am scheduled for my first appointment on March 17th. I will post about it!
Now let’s talk about how we can hide signs of hair loss until these products start kicking in:
- Extensions: Options range from clip-ins, to halo, to natural beaded rows. All of them have their pros and cons.?If you don’t need/want long hair every day, go with the clip-ins or halo. Halo is the least damaging, but not so inconspicuous in my opinion. For every day, I would opt for natural beaded rows over clip-ins, as the clips will actually create balding spots when used over long periods of time. NBRs are much less damaging. Go see Chrissy?she’ll hook you up no matter which route you want to go!
- Hair Dusting Fibers😕This “sprinkle in” powder will help hide areas of your scalp that your hair won’t cover by dusting it with colored fibers.
- Style Edit Root Touch-Up: Similar to the hair fibers, this will cover up balding spots by coloring your scalp to match your hair, but it’s better on the hairline than the fibers mentioned above.
Whew! That’s a lot. But regardless of all I mentioned above, THE most important piece of my hair care regime is…drumroll… knowing that with or without hair, I am still beautiful and feminine. It’s hard to believe in my moments of weakness and insecurity, but I have to remind myself of this daily. As a woman, it’s hard to separate?the two?hair and beauty. But the reality is that kindness, positive intentions, love, confidence, and owning all of the good that you are is what makes you beautiful and feminine. <3
Even still, a good hair day is Always. Worth. Celebrating. 🙂
Please share your hair care secrets below…balding or not!
Related reading:
I am (still) Perfect?
My Hair Secret: The How-To
Love Who You Are
My Top 5 Ways to Fall In LOVE With Your Body
Be Kind to Yourself
37 Responses
You are perfectly imperfect Heidi. Thanx. These stories you share help us accept what is and work towards doing something about it if we can? Personally, I have found a difference in switching to organic shampoo and conditioner?
Help !! My daughter was diagnosed with lose anagens when she was three she finally began to have hair growth around 6 th grade but as she entered high school I noticed it shrinking and more brittle until her long hair was at her collar bone. The very back seemed to be shorter. We prayed A lot. It seems to have stopped falling out but it has been devastating as a young girl to lose her hair. She recently had a sports injury keeping her out of her sport she has played sense she was 6. She is feeling more than defeated. I called hair restoration after someone sent me your info. They scheduled a call back but never did. Is there someone best to work with. Sad kid sad mom !
Hi Tarri: I’m so sorry to hear about what your daughter is going through. It’s got to be so tough! Heidi contacted the National Hair Loss Association, and here’s their website: I hope this helps, and we wish you both the best!
I like adding collagen (protein) powder to my smoothies or different things to eat during the day. I like the Great Lakes brand or THM brand. I started using it when I was going through post partum hair loss. It just works differently than any other protein in my diet.
Which Monat products would you suggest for someone who is balding? Is it the Let it grow treatment? I’ve been losing my hair the past few years when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My 14 year old daughter was diagnosed with Hashimotos thyroidism 2 years ago but starting pulling out her hair about 1 year ago and its taking forever to grow back (the areas that she has stopped pulling). I feel especially bad for her because she had gorgeous hair as a young child but her medication for her thyroid and depression have changed the consistency and look to her hair.
Hi Lisa: There are links to the Monat products Heidi uses in this post. You might want to check with a specialist to find out what products will work best for you and your daughter. We wish you all the best! 🙂
Wow again! The jealousy! This is a hereditary condition. The type of food one eats does not dictate this condition.
I live and breath Monat! It’s been a blessing to me after I had my son and my hair fell out. All natural and it does what it claims! Love!
Agreed 100% Monat saved my hair!!! I wouldnt be without it!
I am confused. I don’t see baldness or hair loss in the before photo at all. The before photo looks like every woman’s hair. The after of course looks like a hair commercial head of hair, but the before really looks normal and just like all of us. Am I the only one? Where is there any baldness or thinning?
Wow Sheila, It’s evident that you don’t suffer from hair loss. It’s better to treat hair loss early and not wait until baldness is present. I don’t think Heidi would just pick this condition “out of the blue” to announce to the world. It’s embarrassing for most women. I applaud her for being open.
Kayla, I am not saying I do not believe Heidi has a hair loss condition at all. I am just saying I am struggling to see any baldness or thinning in her before photo.
damn Sheila, don’t let these haters hate…………..great day, you’d think they were paid by Heidi to defend her honor. Truthfully, I thought the same thing when I saw the pics. Just “normal” hair. On the other hand, what normal person can afford a 3000 hair cap and hundreds of dollars in product? Certainly not me. It was great to read the story behind the extension and for her to share her routine, but for most of us it’s a pipe dream.
Maybe get off of her blog and do something productive with your life. So stinking rude for no reason
Hey Heidi…your hair is beautiful!! Have you tried the IT Works, Hair Skin and Nails product? It is an all natural supplement you take to help with hair growth and rejuvenation!! And as a bonus it helps your skin too!!!!!!
Take a look at the Fasciablaster by Ashley Black. I have read some great Facebook posts along with pictures that shows hair regrowth after using it on the scalp.
I second this!!!!!!