Even though the holidays are here, you can still sleigh 😉 your workouts and reach all your transformation goals. When you add your normal daily life to your now seasonal Mrs. Claus duties, it can feel overwhelming to find time to workout. Add those tasty holiday temptations and occasional #treatyourself moments (hey, everything in moderation, right?!), it’s easy to feel yourself getting derailed. But you don’t have to wait until January to restart. If you can find a couple of minutes per day, you can sneak in this holiday workout.

Outfit Details:
Reebok Sole Fury Sneakers, Reebok Logo Leggings, Reebok Pure Move Sports Bra, Resistance Band (this is a great set too, and it’s under $10), Reebok LL Windbreaker (new version here), and Reebok Classic Sneakers
Burn off those holiday calories with this Stepladder workout. Bonus: If you’re anything like me, you’re probably in and out of hotels, airplanes, and cars during the holiday season. This workout = no equipment needed. You can do it anywhere! We’re starting the stepladder with a lower body burner, moving to upper body and core for a full body workout sure to get you fit in no time flat!

Holiday At-Home Stepladder Workout
Here’s how: Complete each exercise for the assigned number of reps. After you’ve run through each exercise, increase the assigned number of reps until you work your way up to 10 like this…
- Start with 2 reps for each movement
- Then increase it to 4 reps
- Next, do 6 reps, etc., until you reach 10 reps for each exercise.
Push yourself and complete them as fast as you can!
Pop Squats
Step 1: Stand with your feet together, arms at your sides, with the band just above your knees.
Step 2: Jump your feet apart (toes forward) and land in a deep squat. Spring up as high as you can into the air, then land with your feet together, knees slightly bent. Repeat right away.
Bonus: Add a resistance band to get that extra burn. Not sure about resistance bands Click here to read about why you should add one to your workout routine.
Hand to Elbow Planks
Step 1: Start in a plank position with your elbows aligned directly underneath your shoulders, your legs fully extended, and your toes on the ground. Be sure to draw your belly button towards your spine throughout the movement.
Step 2: One arm at a time, push yourself into a push up position with your arms fully extended beneath you. Then lower yourself, one arm at a time, back down to the plank starting position.
Russian Twists
Step 1: Begin seated on the ground, balancing with your knees bent and your feet just a few inches to a foot off the ground.
Step 2: Rotate your torso as far as you can to one side, then over to the other side.
Bonus Move: Dive Bombers
Step 1: Begin in a plank position, ensuring tight and drawn in core.
Step 2: Pike body and lift hips into the air, dropping head down through shoulders.
Step 3: Bending your arms, slowly dive down toward the floor, swooping body down close to the ground, to upward dog position.
Step 4: Return to piked position and repeat.

While I love the holiday season and all the cheer, the gatherings, parties, and travel can make it feel chaotic (and maybe it is a little chaotic!). But with this workout, you’re sure to get your mind right, workout on, and be the best Mrs. Claus there ever was. Happy holidays!
Related reading:
No Gym, No Problem: Workouts on the Go
Hotel Room Workout | My 5 Go-To Bodyweight Moves You Can Do Anywhere!
5 Workouts You Can Do Anywhere
My 10-Minute Anywhere Workout || Bodyweight Moves for Beginners and Advanced
A Lotta Tabata || 4-Minute Total Body Toning Workouts
191 Responses
I am daily working out! Starting between keto and plant based diet!
I know this proberley sounds selfish but I would gift it to myself with my weight loss and our financial struggles I could use a new pair of sneakers and clothes but my daughter would love it to she is trying so hard to get it together and start her journey ?
I Would Gift To Me ?Cause I ?All Ur Sports Wear & U ??
I would gift this to my friend who’s 1lb away from losing 5stone!
I plan on listening to my body and enjoying the holiday season. I will focus on joyful movement and not worry about what I ate or how many workouts I got in. For me, its about listening to my body’s signals and not listening to diet culture. The holidays are about enjoying time with family and friends.
I would say I would gift this to my sister! My workout buddy!!
I would love to gift this to my one and only super great friend Adria.
After gaining 70 lbs during my pregnancy, delivering my daughter early, and having two emergency surgeries I thought I would never be able to get back into shape. Now I have slowly started working out again with the transform daily workouts and really eating healthier. I don?t only want to be healthy for me and my family, but for my patients as well. How can I coach someone to be healthy if I?m not myself?! 🙂
I?d like to nominate my wife Crystal! She?s a hard working momma of 2! She?s a full time labor and delivery nurse and also teaches at a local college. She?s one busy momma with a crazy busy schedule.
Plan on eating small portions continue to work out every day as a mom of 4 it?s not easy but I got this !!!
Hands down, I?d gift this to my best workout gal pal Bobbi!
I would love to gift this to my oldest sister Wendy Lee. she has a heart of gold and would give her last dime to help someone in need. In fact she has in the past. I am a witness as the person that was in need was me. she took part of her mortgage money and sent it to me when I was in a bind! She and I have been trying to lose weight together even though she lives in Maine and I live in Ohio! I miss her dearly but we talk 2 times a day morning and night! she is my rock! She is my person I can go to with anything! right now she is going through some rough times (emotionally within her family) and although I am not physically there, I want her to know that I love her with all my heart and that God gifted me a wonderful person when I was born as her younger sister!
I would give the jacket to Robin. I probably could not last through one of your classes.
I would like to give this gift to myself. After this baby comes I want to really get in control of my weight and a new workout outfit is always some fun beginning motivation
I?m thinking I?d keep this give away for myself.? I?m Loving this Lifestyle Change!