Ever feel like your days are impossibly long and you couldn’t possibly squeeze in another routine or task? Well, I’m here to tell you that research shows that people with morning routines are more productive when compared to those who just wing it. So maybe, the piece to keep everything moving more smoothly is actually having a routine.

Trust me, I know, sometimes it’s tempting to wake up and go right into work mode without taking a minute to get ready (click here to read more about the power of ready). To me, completing a morning routine is just the same kind of promise I make to myself when I set goals…it’s about integrity with myself. And hey, who doesn’t want a more productive day?
My Daily Morning Routine:
So…what is this crazy, magical, daily routine, you might ask? It may shock you at how seemingly simple it is. But it’s in the simplicity that I find the most joy and comfort in my everyday crazy life. Here’s what works for me. 😉
1. 4:45 AM. I wake up + make my bed.
No matter where I am, whether I’m at home or traveling and staying in a hotel room, the very first thing I do is make the bed. This is my power promise to myself, and it fulfills a commitment I’ve made to ME. Plus, it gives me a feeling of accomplishment first thing, and that feeling is something that stays with me for the entire day. Who knew that making your bed was actually about having integrity with yourself?
2. Take Pre-Workout + Get Gym-Ready

This one has been tough with the gyms being closed. During quarantine, I didn’t slack. Gym time stayed the same, even if the location changed. Whether I’m working out at home or going to the gym, I stay true to that pattern. I prep my protein shake, eat a banana, drink my shake while I head to the gym (or walk out to my home gym), and drink my pre-workout. It’s all part of my pre-gym routine, and it gets me jazzed, pumped, and ready to hit the weights!
3. Gym Time: Get That Workout In
Click here to read more about what’s in my gym bag →
This one is self-explanatory. It’s an uninterrupted (or semi-uninterrupted) hour of ME time: stress relief, good music, and a good body pump that helps keep me accountable AND physically and emotionally healthy. Notice a pattern here? 😉
4. Post-Workout Starbucks Run.

After my sweat sesh, I make a pit stop at Starbucks. If you’ve been following along for a while, you may even know my order…ha! It never changes (or very seldom changes). I order a grande iced coffee with 1 pump of mocha, no classic, and a small side of heavy cream WITH a Marshmallow Dream Bar, of course. When I get home, I stay in my car for a few more minutes and respond to comments on social media, answer emails, make a few calls, and get those quick to-do items checked off my list.
5. Get the Kids Ready for the Day
Depending on the day, it’s time to get the kids ready for school or for their activities. While I do this, I multi-task and get myself prepped for whatever is in my calendar for the day.

Here’s the trick to a great morning routine: Don’t get caught up in making this a big, grand, sweeping gesture. Keep it simple.
- Simple is good.
- Simple is sustainable.
- Simple means it’s easy enough that you can do it every single day without getting overwhelmed and giving up.
One of the most important things I’ve learned through trial and error and good old uncomfortable self-reflection is that in my life, routine is key.
My life is hectic enough, and sometimes, things just feel like they’re out of control. Realizing that, ultimately, I am the one responsible for my outcomes and my happiness is everything to me. Following a routine and sticking with that routine, even if I have to adjust to accommodate for the crazy things that pop up, has changed my life for the better in some pretty drastic ways.
Related reading:
Back to School = Back to You: Busy Mom Power Promises for Transformation Success
Feeling Tired? Top 5 Tips to Naturally Boost Your Energy Levels
Daily Makeup Routine for Busy Moms
11 Tips for Stress Management
Love Your Skin: My Daily Skincare Routine
12 Responses
When does she drink her BC AAs?
Hi Kim! Heidi sometimes adds her BCAAs to her water and drinks them throughout the day. Other times, she’ll drink them during and/or after working out. You can actually drink them any time you want! 🙂
I’m always curious how early people go to bed who wake up at 4:30.
I mean just a typical time, I know things change from day to day.
Thanks in advance,
Can you please tell us where that outfit is from? ???
Hi Kate! I’m so sorry, but I don’t have any information about Heidi’s outfit. ??
Does she take a protein shake separate from Pee workout or are they one and the same?
Hi Lori: Heidi drinks a protein shake then drinks her pre-workout. They’re both from our supplement line: https://transformhq.com/ 🙂
Thanks! Still trying to find the right pre workout for me. I am sensitive to caffeine but I still want a little just not a lot.
Hi, in what time you go to bed in the evening?
Love love it!!! How can you eake up so nearly ? Please teach me! ??
Hi Adriana! It can be tough, for sure. But Heidi’s made a promise to herself to get up early, so that’s what she does. Not everyone needs to get up so early, so you do what works best for you. ?