The unofficial start of summer has begun! Summer means trips to the pool, the beach, water fights, and anything necessary to cool down in this AZ heat. While cooling off is key, the swimsuit dread can be real. The truth is that if you have a body, you have a beach body because your kiddos will care more about the fun they’re having than what you look like in a bathing suit. Don’t forget that.
Related: Top Tips for Finding a Bathingsuit to Fit Your Shape + Size
But, if you’re like many of us who might be feeling some pressure to rock that swimming suit after the craziness of the past several months, I’ve got you covered with an easy, at-home, no equipment needed TWELVE MINUTE total body workout to add to your all-the-kids-are-home-when-do-I-work-out summer routine!

Outfit Details
Lululemon Align Leggings, Lululemon Free to Be Sports Bra, Tie Back Tank (similar here), Reebok Classics
Summer Body Inspired Tabata Workout
So guys, let’s get to this amazing workout! Since this is a tabata workout, you’ll need a timer or download a tabata timer app, and here’s what you’ll do:
Step 1: Do 20 seconds of the movement.
Step 2: Rest for 10 seconds.
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 eight times for a total of 4 minutes. Then move on to the next movement.
Shuffle Upright Row
1. For the starting position, begin standing straight, feet together, holding a water jug (or dumbbell) in each hand at your side. Keep your back straight throughout the movement.
2. Raise the water jugs along your body up to chin height, “butterflying” your elbows out to the sides.
3. Step out to the side with your right leg into a squat position while simultaneously bringing the water jugs back down until they rest on the ground between your legs.
4. Bring your right leg back to standing with the water jugs “butterflying” out to the sides as before.
5. Step out to the side with your left leg into a squat position while simultaneously bringing the water jugs back down until they rest on the ground between your legs.
6. Bring your left leg back to standing position with the water jugs “butterflying” out to the sides as before.
7. Repeat on each leg until the tabata segment ends, then return to the starting position.
Squat Punch
1. For the starting position, stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward, arms bent, fists facing backwards.
2. Keeping your weight in your heels, bend your knees and lower your butt down and back to a squat position, keeping the weight in your heels.
3. Punch forward and back with your right arm, then return to the starting position and repeat, punching with the left arm this time. This equals one rep. Keep repeating for the duration of the tabata segment.
Seesaw Lunge
1. For the starting position, begin standing straight, feet together, holding a water jug (or dumbbell) in each hand at your side. Keep the water jugs at your side throughout the movement.
2. Take an aggressive step forward with your right foot until your thigh is parallel with the ground and your lower leg is perpendicular with the ground. Press with your right heel back to the starting position.
3. Take an aggressive step backward with the right foot, gently “kissing” your right knee to the ground. Keeping the front left knee over the toe, press your left heel into the ground and return to the starting position.
4. Repeat the entire movement with your left leg.
5. Keep repeating the movement (right leg, left leg, etc.) for the duration of the tabata segment.
That’s it! A twelve minute total body workout you can do pretty much anywhere that will help you not only cross “Work Out” off your to-do list but help you feel so much better in all the ways as well. And since it’s summer, what are your plans for the next few months? Share ‘em in a comment below. I’m looking for fun things to do with all my kiddos too!
Related reading:
A Lotta Tabata || 4-Minute Total Body Toning Workouts
Mommy & Me Tabata Workout
Busy Mom-Approved At-Home Full Body Workout
20 Minute At-Home EMOM Workout
At-Home Stepladder Workout