Why Loving Yourself Is Better Than a Magic Weight Loss Pill

It’s the month of love, and it’s always during this month that I’m reminded to step back and check in with the most important person…me. Think about it. When was the last time you stopped to ask yourself how you’re doing? I know, that’s easier said than done as I’m juggling being a mom, a mom boss (and the frequent flights that have come with that title), and a wife. Sometimes, my day starts and stops in a blur with barely any time to think.

Yet, it’s during the busiest days that I sometimes look at others and think, “Gosh, how do they have it all together?” We think sometimes that if only I was able to do this or if I had that, I would feel so much better. The reality is that even with those things, there are still struggles. When you look a little bit deeper, what you’ll start to realize is that the people you’re comparing yourself to only seemingly have it together.

Outfit Details:

?Love Long Sleeve (similar here and also love this 100% human tee), Jeans (budget-friendly here under $40), Reebok Sneakers

So what does this have to do with weight loss? As I was reflecting back on this, and on the fact that instant gratification and wants are everywhere, it also made me think about how often I’m asked, “Heidi, what’s the best weight loss pill?” But here’s the thing, you guys: We all have busy lives, and trying to lose weight is definitely not something that happens overnight. So, while a magic pill to help you lose weight sounds pretty incredible, I’m actually pretty happy it doesn’t exist. It’s not the magical solution that will help you keep it all together.

My purpose in life is to empower others to live their best life possible. And truthfully, I believe that taking a magic pill would pull you further away from educating and empowering yourself. There is so much power in the journey of transformation, including the struggles. Have you ever heard the saying, ?Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss.?? The idea that a magic pill exists is an elusive state of bliss you are living in that would ultimately do you more harm than good. There is SO MUCH POWER in knowledge.

When it comes to loving yourself and this transformation journey, I believe in two things:

  1. We should choose healthy food options because we love our bodies, not because we hate them.
  2. Exercise should be a celebration of what our bodies are capable of, NOT a punishment for what we ate.

Exercising and eating healthy bring more than just weight loss. They bring the realization that you ARE powerful, that you CAN fulfill your commitments, and that you ARE CAPABLE of doing hard things! They empower you, make you stronger, give you energy, and cultivate integrity, confidence, and ultimately, self-love.

So let’s make it our goal to start checking in with ourselves more, harness the power of positive thinking, and be happy that there isn’t a magic weight loss pill because we are worth so much more than that. In fact, the real magic in weight loss lives in YOU. My favorite part about this month (besides spending it with my family) is that by loving ourselves, we are able to better love others. How do you plan to love yourself and those around you this month?


Related reading:

Friday Faves: Busy Mom?s Date Night Outfit
Get Your Body Moving: Dance Workout Routine
How to Become a Boss Babe, Rule Three: Stop Comparing Yourself
Monday Motivation: Exercise Because You Love Your Body, Not Because You Hate It
Valentine?s Day Chocolate Covered Red Velvet Cookies

4 Responses

    1. What beautiful insight into how we can focus on this journey. Everyday is a chance to learn more and better our lives. Thank you! PS I think you and Chris are the magic pill.

  1. I am not verygood at focising for more than a couple weeks on any of the “plans” I have started…whether it is journaling or doing my workout..it seems I just lose interest. I will give this a shot and maybe I can get the spark…heavens knows I need to

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