I love a good workout that leaves me not only feeling the burn, but feeling accomplished too! Today’s workout is proof that you don’t always need a gym to get an amazing shoulder pump. Just 20 minutes and a set of water jugs, and you’ll be well on your way to the sexiest summer shoulders just in time for swimsuit season. Not to mention, we’re targeting the waistline with this burner too! I wouldn’t leave your summer bods hanging, ladies!
Related: Click here for my best kept secret to a slimmer waist (Hint: it’s your shoulders)
Outfit Details:
Lululemon leggings, Sports bra (similar here), Reebok Classics (also love this retro style version)

Today we’re focusing on an at-home Tabata workout, which means you’ll be working out for four minutes per movement: 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times. Tabata workouts typically focus on bodyweight and plyometric type exercises that will improve endurance while toning muscle, and they are also great for boosting your metabolism, boosting overall aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels, and increasing lean muscle mass. They are also a great way to get in a workout even when you’re short on time!
Simple At-Home, No Equipment Tabata Workout
For this simple at-home Tabata workout, set your clock for 4 minutes for EACH move. Do 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for EIGHT (8) total rounds…EACH MOVE ⤵️
Plank Shoulder Taps
1. Get in a plank position with your elbows aligned directly underneath your shoulders and your legs fully extended with toes on the ground. Squeeze your glutes, draw your belly button in toward your spine, and hold.
2. While maintaining plank position (keep that core tight!), tap your left shoulder with your right hand, return to the starting position, then tap your right shoulder with your left hand. Repeat, alternating for the 20 second set. Then rest for 10 seconds. This equals one round.
3. Repeat for the remaining rounds.
Single Arm Alternating Shoulder Press
1. Holding a water jug in each hand, begin with the water jugs at chin height, flipping the handles of your water jugs so your palms are facing forward, “Butterflying” your elbows out to the sides.
2. Press your left arm up to full elbow extension, then slowly lower it back to the starting position, repeating for the 20 second set. Rest 10 seconds. This equals one round.
3. Repeat the round, pressing with your right arm for the 20 second set. Rest 10 seconds. That’s round two.
4. Alternate between your left arm and right arms for the remaining rounds of the Tabata.
Single Arm Engaged Bent Over Row
1. With a water jug in each hand, begin with your upper body bent at your hips at a 90 degree angle with the ground with your arms down, keeping your core tight, back flat, and head up throughout the movement.
2. With your left arm engaged and your right arm still dropped, slowly row the right arm up, engaging your back/lats. Repeat for the duration of the 20 second set, returning to the starting position at the end of the set. Rest 10 seconds. This equals one round.
3. For the next 20 second set, row with your left arm, keeping your right arm engaged. Then rest for 10 seconds before beginning the next round.
4. Alternate between rowing your right arm and then your left arm each round for the duration of the Tabata.
Front Raise Pulse
1. Holding a water jug in each hand at your side and while keeping your elbows slightly bent and locked in place, raise both water jugs in front of you to about shoulder height. Add a pulse at the top before returning to the starting position. Repeat for the 20 second set, then rest for 10 seconds. This equals one round.
2. Repeat for the remaining rounds.
Lateral Delt Raise to Overhead Raise
1. Holding a water jug in each hand at your side and while keeping your elbows slightly bent and locked in place, raise both water jugs out to each side to about shoulder height.
2. Then bring both jugs forward, keeping them at shoulder height, arms still extended. Then raise both jugs overhead, keeping arms extended.
3. Track back down in the same pattern: jugs in front, jugs to the side, jugs lowered to the starting position. Repeat for the 20 second set, then rest for 10 seconds, This equals one round.
4. Repeat for the remaining rounds.
*️⃣ Rest for 60 seconds between each 4 minute Tabata! Whew! How are those shoulders feeling? Comment below and tell me which move you loved the MOST and which one you loved the LEAST!
Related reading:
At-Home Five Move Booty Burner Workout
A Lotta Tabata || 4-Minute Total Body Toning Workouts
Lower Body HIIT At-Home Workout // No Equipment Needed!
Summer Body-Inspired Tabata Workout
At-Home 20 Minute Total Body Burner
Mommy & Me Tabata Workout