For so many of the people I’ve worked with over the years on their transformation journey, of course, losing weight is at the top of the list. But what’s hidden deep down is shedding the mental and emotional pounds that hold them back in all areas of their life. It’s called baggage, and guys, we all tend to overpack from time to time.
This baggage is filled with the limited self-beliefs and closed mindset that people develop from years of trying and giving up, or from a preconceived notion of how their life should be based on someone else’s social media highlight reel. And those are difficult standards to measure ourselves against.
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Love Long Sleeve (similar here and also love this one), Jeans, Reebok Sneakers (similar here)
Here are some amazing things that happen when you fall in love with yourself during the transformation process
Whether we think we can or cannot do something, we’re right. Our mindset plays one of the biggest roles in pretty much everything we do or don’t do because we let it hold us back. When our confidence or mental health suffers, we suffer.
Related: Click here to learn more about how mental health impacts weight loss
But the really beautiful thing I’ve been blessed to witness over the years is somewhere along the journey, I start to see people learning to fall in love with themselves all over again. And that’s when healing begins, almost like turning the page on a brand new chapter of the rest of their life. And believe me, it’s so worth it.

The seemingly impossible becomes actually quite possible
Remember when I said if you believe you can’t do something, you’re right? The same is true for the opposite: Believing that you can do something means you’re right too. When you start to open the doors on self-love and recognize how worthy you are of that love, things that felt so far out of reach start to appear a little closer.
One of my favorite examples of this is from Jes who I had the honor to meet after she lost over 95 pounds. You may remember her from another blog a while back. More important their her weight loss: She gained a world of confidence. Jes was someone who used food to numb her emotions. It helped ease her pain and sadness, comforted her during times of loneliness, and was her escape from the struggles she wasn’t sure how to cope with.
At 526 pounds, she realized something needed to change. She started taking the necessary steps she needed to in order to turn her life around, enlisting a workout buddy (her daughter), and inspiring so many people in the Transform community along the way.
Change is scary, and starting over can feel daunting. But Jes is a great example of hard work paying off, turning something that feels impossible into a brand new reality. And while Jes’ struggles definitely aren’t over, she’s learned the self-love that can help her overcome those struggles that come her way. And let’s be honest: Are any of us really ever free of struggles? I think not.
Turn your struggles into strengths
This wouldn’t be a post about self-love if I didn’t mention one of the best humans on the planet. Of course, I’m talking about my brother from another mother, my emergency airport pickup when I can’t find my car keys, and an incredible husband, father, and friend: Bruce Pitcher. You know I have such a soft spot for this man and his family, and I honestly believe that we all could stand to learn a thing or ten from him.
When you can learn to forgive others, your circumstances, and most of all, yourself, anything in this life is possible for you.
Bruce is the true definition of grace and grit. He’s someone who has overcome some of life’s toughest obstacles, and instead of buckling under the pressure, he has turned those moments of struggle into unbreakable strengths. Watching him evolve over the years into the very definition of why self-love matters has been such an incredible experience.
From watching Bruce transform from a 400 pound man who worked at a gas station to losing 200 pounds, to becoming an inspirational figure to thousands upon thousands, writing a book, and ultimately overcoming past trauma to teach others that you can turn your challenges into blessings…I just can’t say enough about this man. He has truly taught me that integrity is the key to not just achieving goals, but to finding success in all aspects of life. And he’s such a shining example of that very belief.

Understand the importance of promises, especially the ones you make to yourself
You should never break a promise, especially the ones you make to yourself. You know I call these Power Promises, and when you finally start to learn to love yourself, keeping these promises (both big and small) will make a lot more sense.
It’s easy to say, “I’m going to start next week.” But how many times has next week come and you decide you’re not ready? It’s because you’re still listening to that voice in the back of your head saying you can’t do it or that you’re not good enough. Guys, if you haven’t figured it out by now, that voice is a liar. And it’s not your friend! Don’t let self-limiting beliefs take up space in your brain rent free. It’s not worth it, and it’ll end up doing you more harm than good.
Instead, as you start to gain confidence and see progress in various areas of your life, you’ll find renewed motivation and a drive to keep pushing forward. And before you know it, your name is inching up higher on that list of things that are important to you. Next week is no longer the start date. Instead, it’s right now.
Here are some great tips for Power Promises:
- Make things simple
- Don’t put the pressure of super big, lofty goals on yourself
- Take baby steps
- Write down actionable items that are so simple you know you can commit to them without fail
And then when you do it, cross it off that list and celebrate. You’ll be amazed at how something so small can play such a big role in your transformation overall.
Gain the courage to live a life you love
What would it feel like to wake up every single day absolutely excited to face what lies ahead? I’m going to let you in on a little secret: When you give yourself permission to live a life you love, this is what your days will be like.
Living a life you love means being unapologetically you. It means doing the things that make you smile, things that fill your bucket, and things you do with confidence regardless of what’s trending or what someone else is posting. Their page 100 will never be your page 100, so instead of comparing your book to everyone else’s, compare how your life could be 6, 8, 12 weeks from now if you stay the same to how it could be if you start making those changes today.
One of the most essential steps to getting to this point is figuring out what’s important to you and why you want to start this journey to begin with. I call this finding your WHY, and ultimately, it’s going to serve as the driving force that keeps you going.
Self-love is a beautiful thing. It’s about loving yourself, finding the beauty in everything you do, recognizing the wins—both big and small, and learning to trust and enjoy the process all along the way. And it’s 1000% an important part of your transformation. Whatever area of your life you’re wanting to change, I hope that you can find your name a little higher on your list.
Related Reading:
Self-Love: Mantras to Help You Fall In Love with Yourself
Our 12 Month Transformation, Month One: Self-Love!
My Top 5 Ways to Fall In LOVE with Your Body
Monday Motivation: Exercise Because You Love Your Body, Not Because You Hate It
Life Lessons Learned | Developing Integrity, Learning to Love Yourself, and Setting Boundaries